280 AI

I'll jump in since I got my 280ai with a 24" tube and I've been working up loads for it this summer. 160gr. AB with a pretty hot charge of 7828ssc nets just under 3080 with tight(to me) sd and es. Retumbo is a little slower in my gun.

I've never tried reloader brand powders but after reading a lot on here if like to give rl22 a go in this gun.
I'll jump in since I got my 280ai with a 24" tube and I've been working up loads for it this summer. 160gr. AB with a pretty hot charge of 7828ssc nets just under 3080 with tight(to me) sd and es. Retumbo is a little slower in my gun.

I've never tried reloader brand powders but after reading a lot on here if like to give rl22 a go in this gun.
RL26 will likely give you more velocity than 22.
Ok thanks. I need to read up on their number system and better understand their burn rates and temp sensitivity.

sorry op not trying to hijack your thread!
Considering Norma makes Nosler brass, I see no difference between the two other than Nosler actually weight sorting theory headstamped brass a bit more consistently. Same soft head in both however in all other cases I have used.

You can always fire form any other .280 Rem or .270 Win brass into .280AI.
I have only ever used the Nosler brass in my Ackley, but my experience has been good. Its no Lapua but has held up well. I'm 6 firings in on 100 cases and primer pockets are still GTG.

Mine sports a 22" Brux that is shot suppressed 100% of the time.

With RL-26 I get right at 2950 with the 160 Accubond. With H4831sc, I get around 2825. Accuracy is superb with both.

RL-23, Retumbo, H1000, and IMR 7828ssc sure seem to be viable options too.
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