They will not stop with bump stocks

just seen president Trump on fox news bump stocks are history. if congress don't do it he will use executive order but either way they are history
Sorry to correct you mate but as an Aussie hunter I found your comment hilarious, I currently have three rifles and am thinking about buying a fourth, a very nice 6.5 Creedmore. We even have semi autos, 50 BMGs ,338 Lapuas and others, Here's the thing, the semi autos require the owners to be farmers, pest controllers or land holders with a need, or in the case of the high calibres, be a member of a gun club. I'm not taking sides here, just correcting the fake news that pervades American gun forums, that we Aussies are all disarmed .. it is simply a lie, in fact since our infamous gun buy back, we now have more guns than ever... and most Aussies think it's better that teenagers and nut cases can't buy a semi auto AR 15 with 300 round capacity mags. I know about your 2nd Amendment, but doesn't it qualify the amendment with that gun ownership being dependant on the owner being part of "a well armed and organised militia"? . Freedom of speech goes two ways, taking an extreme view or using extremely emotive language will do your "cause" no good. Cheers
Just like most things, including guns, that definition has evolved with time to keep up with the times.

This should help you foreigners understand the 2nd Amendment better... It's easier to link a video, than to type out an explanation.

Don't support the NRA. They're the ones who have been selling out our rights since 1934, and then taking your money in a claim to "fight for your 2A rights"... They have been behind the scenes helping write every anti-gun bill that's actually passed legislation since the NFA of 1934. FOPA, GCA of 68, Hughes Amendment, Brady Bill, Clinton gun ban, etc... They're also the ones who opened their mouths this time after Vegas about banning bump stocks! Why on earth would anyone support the NRA after how badly they've damaged our 2A rights? I know I never will.

If you want to support any firearms associations, support your local ones, and the GOA. They actually care and fight for our 2A rights!

For the record, I'm not a member of ANY of those organizations that have been listed.

I did read your posts.
I did read your posts.
And you only quoted one post, that's the one that triggered you. Read what the post says, and not just the first line. I explain myself in the post. Do some research and you'll see I'm right. I understand that as a life member you are somewhat taken-aback by these claims that such a long-standing and prestigious organization would have helped push for these egregious laws that go against their very mission statement, but it's true...Even more so since the 1980's. For the most part, since the 80's the NRA has been ran by a board of rich old Fudds who only care about sipping brandy, smoking cigars, and pheasant hunting and shotguns. They need to modernize significantly for me to back them. They call themselves the National RIFLE Association, and claim to fully-support the 2nd Amendment. But yet, they push for FOPA, Hughes, and GCA, and diametrically oppose suppressors, bump stocks, and deregulating SBR's, because it's not politically correct in today's climate, even though these items are VERY popular amongst your average enthusiasts.

Personally I could give two craps about a bump stock, it's a cheap piece of plastic and another cheap novelty item at best...But it's the principle of the NRA backing anti-gun legislation for the libs & dems, and then still claim themselves to be the greatest proponent of 2nd Amendment rights in the same breath, that has me ****ed off more than anything.
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Our founding fathers knew about all those crappy foreign countries and their crappy laws, that's why we have the constitution. God gave us the democrats to test our resolve.

exactly. Here is what the founding father who wrote Common Sense and The American Crisis warned us about those guys and the way they do things:

O ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose not only the tyranny, but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression. Freedom hath been hunted round the globe. Asia and Africa have long expelled her—Europe regards her like a stranger, and England hath given her warning to depart. O! receive the fugitive, and prepare in time an [refuge] for mankind.

and expect to hear more and more about banning "high velocity weapons" ie, rifles.

It will go under the guise of "just" banning weapons that "penetrate bullet proof vests" are "far more deadly than handguns" and fire "cop killer bullets" and are "deadly sniper's weapons that can't miss"
Exactly my point of not giving one **** inch, and not supporting entities who support banning ANYTHING gun related. It's not the item, it's the precedent that it sets if we allow it to be banned.
Exactly my point of not giving one **** inch, and not supporting entities who support banning ANYTHING gun related. It's not the item, it's the precedent that it sets if we allow it to be banned.
Well, the left is certainly as anti-Christian as any atheistic collectivist can be, but the battle for the second amendment is not a religious fight where we can expect God to miraculously fight our battle for us.
In this war, numbers matter. So we can't do like Gideon and send home 21,700 men and go to war with only several hundred. We need every ally to close ranks and shaddup with the infighting, backstabbing, and jealousy, and face the common enemy if we're going to expect to win.
and expect to hear more and more about banning "high velocity weapons" ie, rifles.

It will go under the guise of "just" banning weapons that "penetrate bullet proof vests" are "far more deadly than handguns" and fire "cop killer bullets" and are "deadly sniper's weapons that can't miss"

Are the masses that stupid? That's a medical doctor who didn't know how bullets work? I'm pretty sure modern bullets have been doing roughly the same thing since the invention of the mini ball. If that's how they view the .223 imagine what would happen if they saw what a .308 (remember that's what that evil 240B is chambered in) or a .338 Lapua would do!
Are the masses that stupid? That's a medical doctor who didn't know how bullets work? I'm pretty sure modern bullets have been doing roughly the same thing since the invention of the mini ball. If that's how they view the .223 imagine what would happen if they saw what a .308 (remember that's what that evil 240B is chambered in) or a .338 Lapua would do!

bullets are dangerous! Imagine !!!
they should put a warning on the box.
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