You think GAS is HIGH

Coyote Shadow Tracker

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Dec 9, 2020
Social Circle, GA
Went to buy some corn for the deer feeder and a Hog feeding station. Last week it was $26.00 per 100lbs. Today it was $30 per hundred.

I asked the owner what happened. He said that he can't keep up with changing the price signs on everything. Said that since diesel is up transportation is up. Also since Brandon increased Ethanol from 10% to 15% - E15. CORN is skyrocketing. Not only are we useing up our corn crop. increasing everything made from corn and we that tax payed are subsidizing corn production. Ethanol is is very bad for internal combustion engines and all the fuel systems.

The United States aslo has the most amount of Oil & Natural Gas in the World- WAS ENEGRY INDEPENDENT UNTIL Jan 22, 2021. BUT BRANDON SHUT DOWN PRODUCTION.

Look at the chart on consumstion worldwide of Ethanol The United Stated is double what the rest of the World uses.

Yup - I think gas is high. I drive to my club once a week. The club is 150mi from my home. My Tahoe did very well at about 23 mi/gal but it still cost $67 to refuel when I got home. Add to that $16.50 for tolls and it cost $84 just to get to the range and back. Makes a $50 box of bullets sound pretty reasonable.
We have purchased the same pack of eggs from Wal Mart for years... for $2.74. Yesterday, the same pkg was $7.57!
And... I don't care what their maths says but gasoline going from $$1.99 a gallon to $4.19 a gallon is NOT an 11% jump!

Exactly. Apparently they don't know math, but of course are profesional liars.
October 2020 here in Monroe, GA several weeks before the election Gas was $1.69 at WalMart. Don't know wat it is today but can guess in the high $4.00 range. My truck gets 16 mpg. It's 140 round trip to my Club so over $40 every trip. Jill has 300 miles per week to work getting about 25 mpg = about $60 per week. That's over $3,000 at today's price just to go to work. With gas increasing probably another $600 by the end of 2022. Just gas costs for Jill to go to work what about other travel? That's the least of our costs. Food for us. We are spending more for animal feed.

People on fixed income and retired are really in bad shape. All IRA's and 401Ks have lost over 30%. It is noted that some of the worst days in the Stock Market since the 1930s. People can't retire and those that have can't afford to make payments or live with these inflated prices and have to take part time jobs.
Then we have all the people that don't want to work, only want checks from US Tax Paying Citizens and Brandon give our money away faster than taxes can be collected. The Illegals coming across our Border get free food, clothes, SMART Phones, Plane Travel to whatever city they want, housing, cash jobs or just free US tax payer money.
This is what people voted for in November 2020. Same thing happened in 2008 & 2012. People didn't pay attention back then and now we are almost at the Precipice of Social Collapse.
I admit that I spend a lot on shooting supplies and we do have a supply. It cost us a small fortune when we decided to start the business back up. We counted on our IRA making a limited amount money each year so Jill could retire and need some more funds to finish the equipment costs to properly run our business. The Copper pipe we need for the Compressed air system has almost doubled in the past 18 months. That goes along with copper electrical wire. We are so CLOSE to finishing and having a Top Rated Shop with everything NEW. Just need LABOR and being able to take funds out os an already dwindeling savings account.
Where is & what happened to the AMERICAN DREAM for Small business Entrepreneurs????
We know quite a few business owners that say they don't know how they can make it to 2023.
No doubt all very valid points. I am in the process of finishing our basement. The supply costs are astronomical! $170.00 for 250' of 12-2 wire?! $3.79 for an outllet box! $7.00 for a stud and add $3.00 if you want pressure treated. It is worse at the local small town lumberyard. I ran out of 10' 2x4s and didn't want to make the 70 mile round trip treck to Home Depot, so I purchased them in town... $37.00, for two 2x4s!
I cannot even begin to start on the grocery price increases. I am in shock every time I go grocery shopping with my wife.
We have purchased the same pack of eggs from Wal Mart for years... for $2.74. Yesterday, the same pkg was $7.57!
And... I don't care what their maths says but gasoline going from $$1.99 a gallon to $4.19 a gallon is NOT an 11% jump!

Heck - that's nothing. I took my daughters and grandsons to the diner for breakfast after soccer practice. Just 2 plain eggs was listed on the menu for $8.95! 😳
It cost me $100 just to get back out the door. We won't be doing breakfast as often in the future.
My wife is the best shopper, coupons for everything, plans her trips to the stores for best deals. She says inflated prices are more like 70% not 8.3%. We're on a fixed income as many here are. All major projects to do landscape and remodel inside have come to a halt. So does buying parts for a new rifle build
and buying components. We need to weather the financial storm by just shutting down purchases and saving. Retirement is not working out too well. It's actually getting scary.
My brother is a bit of a prepper, he always has been. Among the many things he stocked up on was ammo, vodka and LNG. Most of the family thought he was nuts. When the price of LNG was at it's lowest, he filled the two 1,000 gal sub-terranean tanks. The delivery driver told him "you will never need to buy LNG again for the rest of your life."

No one is laughing at my brother any more. To the contrary, we normally stop buy for a nice cocktail and to admire his inventory. LOL
October 2020 here in Monroe, GA several weeks before the election Gas was $1.69 at WalMart. Don't know wat it is today but can guess in the high $4.00 range. My truck gets 16 mpg. It's 140 round trip to my Club so over $40 every trip. Jill has 300 miles per week to work getting about 25 mpg = about $60 per week. That's over $3,000 at today's price just to go to work. With gas increasing probably another $600 by the end of 2022. Just gas costs for Jill to go to work what about other travel? That's the least of our costs. Food for us. We are spending more for animal feed.

People on fixed income and retired are really in bad shape. All IRA's and 401Ks have lost over 30%. It is noted that some of the worst days in the Stock Market since the 1930s. People can't retire and those that have can't afford to make payments or live with these inflated prices and have to take part time jobs.
Then we have all the people that don't want to work, only want checks from US Tax Paying Citizens and Brandon give our money away faster than taxes can be collected. The Illegals coming across our Border get free food, clothes, SMART Phones, Plane Travel to whatever city they want, housing, cash jobs or just free US tax payer money.
This is what people voted for in November 2020. Same thing happened in 2008 & 2012. People didn't pay attention back then and now we are almost at the Precipice of Social Collapse.
I admit that I spend a lot on shooting supplies and we do have a supply. It cost us a small fortune when we decided to start the business back up. We counted on our IRA making a limited amount money each year so Jill could retire and need some more funds to finish the equipment costs to properly run our business. The Copper pipe we need for the Compressed air system has almost doubled in the past 18 months. That goes along with copper electrical wire. We are so CLOSE to finishing and having a Top Rated Shop with everything NEW. Just need LABOR and being able to take funds out os an already dwindeling savings account.
Where is & what happened to the AMERICAN DREAM for Small business Entrepreneurs????
We know quite a few business owners that say they don't know how they can make it to 2023.
Understood. If I were King we would become supply independent as a nation. It is incredible what has come to light in the past year. I mean the fact that the US gets half of our baby formula from China? IIRC, China refers to the US as: "The Enemy"!
We have gone away from in-country production of goods and now are paying a huge price. No chips for our vehicles, no fertilizer, empty food shelves, etc.
All to make a few more bucks profit by off-shoring our manufactering supply chain.
My wife is the best shopper, coupons for everything, plans her trips to the stores for best deals. She says inflated prices are more like 70% not 8.3%. We're on a fixed income as many here are. All major projects to do landscape and remodel inside have come to a halt. So does buying parts for a new rifle build
and buying components. We need to weather the financial storm by just shutting down purchases and saving. Retirement is not working out too well. It's actually getting scary.
I feel for you. I retired March 1st, 2021. We have been dreaming about and planning our move back to WY for decades. We built a house in the country here and made the move. What should be an exciting and happy new chapter in our lives has been tarnished by recent administration policies and practices... and is looking more gloomy by the day. I do hope the next elections will help pull us out of all this, if not too late. I'm not holding my breath though.
I couldn't imagine having to raise our kids in this economy. I feel bad for the young families trying to make a go in this mess.