WSM short mag feeding issues

Having done this type of stuff in the past, I believe the OP’s issue is the feed rails being too skinny. There is not enough room between the 2 rails for the cartridge to ‘pop’ out of the magazine.
Most rifles running those fat WSM cartridges have ‘windowed’, a cutout on the sides, to allow the extra fat cartridge an easier path while on the follower.
You need a well versed Smith that works on ‘98’s and knows how to blend the rails.
I just finished doing a standard ‘98 action to take a 416 Rigby and also opened up a CZ 550 action from 458WM to 416 Rigby. 99% of the work is on the rails, the other 1% was on the bolt stop.

Having done this type of stuff in the past, I believe the OP’s issue is the feed rails being too skinny. There is not enough room between the 2 rails for the cartridge to ‘pop’ out of the magazine.
Most rifles running those fat WSM cartridges have ‘windowed’, a cutout on the sides, to allow the extra fat cartridge an easier path while on the follower.
You need a well versed Smith that works on ‘98’s and knows how to blend the rails.
I just finished doing a standard ‘98 action to take a 416 Rigby and also opened up a CZ 550 action from 458WM to 416 Rigby. 99% of the work is on the rails, the other 1% was on the bolt stop.

Thank you all for the is very much appreciated!!! My 300 wsm feeds ok now but does anybody know of another bottom metal supplier for the mauser 98 other than the ptg which is great stuff but is more for the other disciplines rather than hunting. Pacific took and gage was the ONLY bottom metal I could find for the 98.
Thank you all for the is very much appreciated!!! My 300 wsm feeds ok now but does anybody know of another bottom metal supplier for the mauser 98 other than the ptg which is great stuff but is more for the other disciplines rather than hunting. Pacific took and gage was the ONLY bottom metal I could find for the 98.
The bottom metal is not the issue...I use the same bottom metal for making 416 Rigby’s.
The mag box & follower should be changed as well as the bottom metal milled to accept a different mag box, or alter the existing mag box by cutting windows in it.
The feed rails control EVERYTHING on a Mauser. If they aren’t timed correctly, which is the major issue, the case will not feed, even from a centre feed correctly.
The bolt has to push the bullet nose up over the feed ramp, then the rear of the case ‘pops’ up and into the the claw extractor. This is timed by the width and place the feed rails go from wide to thinner as the case is forced up by the follower spring.
The only other option is single loading. Sorry.

Perhaps a dumb question but how does it feed if you work the bolt quickly and positively as if your life depends on it? I know the WSM’s have a tendency to feed kinda choppy in most actions they are housed in and some Mauser actions don’t want you to baby them in ANY cartridge....
Perhaps a dumb question but how does it feed if you work the bolt quickly and positively as if your life depends on it? I know the WSM’s have a tendency to feed kinda choppy in most actions they are housed in and some Mauser actions don’t want you to baby them in ANY cartridge....
It feeds reasonably well now with the Pacific tool and gage metal but my problem is the way that particular metal hangs down. I started with the 5 round mag and have switched to the3 round mag by acid. It's the 6.5 wsm that I haven't made that chang with as of yet and was hoping for a better option with it and somehow be able to keep the existing bottom bdl style. Does anyone know of a smith I could send the 6.5 wsm to to work the feed lips over? Thanks again for all your input as I had run into a brick wall with this!!
My only experience with the 300 WSM is my brothers Kimber. Feeding problems from the very first day he owned the rifle. After many phone calls to Kimber, the rifle was sent back to Kimber. They polished the chamber and called it good. Gun is still only reliable as a single shot.
My opinion is the short stubby case does not have shape that feeds reliably. Not all ideas are good ideas. Short fat case doesn't feed like a 300 WM or 300 RUM.
My two cents.
Not to discourage you on the WSM's. I have owned several & the majority of advice here is correct. My model 70 WSM with controlled round feed did not feed well. Sold it & Bought a 8400 Kimber WSM with controlled round feed. It was more accurate & fed somewhat better. Next up were two Sako's in WSM, M75 & M85. Both the Sako's fed great from their staggered feed mag box. But neither was a pure controlled round feed action. I think the WSM's are better suited to either an inline magazine or a push feed action or maybe the discontinued Winchester M70 CRPF action that they made for a short period of time. I am a big fan of the WSM's, just have had more feed issues with pure controlled round feed actions. Just my experience.
Not to discourage you on the WSM's. I have owned several & the majority of advice here is correct. My model 70 WSM with controlled round feed did not feed well. Sold it & Bought a 8400 Kimber WSM with controlled round feed. It was more accurate & fed somewhat better. Next up were two Sako's in WSM, M75 & M85. Both the Sako's fed great from their staggered feed mag box. But neither was a pure controlled round feed action. I think the WSM's are better suited to either an inline magazine or a push feed action or maybe the discontinued Winchester M70 CRPF action that they made for a short period of time. I am a big fan of the WSM's, just have had more feed issues with pure controlled round feed actions. Just my experience.
I agree with you on that!! Had I known or foreseen these problems I would have gone a different direction for sure. Am seriously considering just rebarreling back to original round of the 6.5 x .257 weatherby and building the 6.5 wsm on a different action and bottom metal more suitable for the wsm. Already have the reamer and it would just add 1 more rifle to the safe!! Sounding like all my options are just expensive and with questionable results!!!
There is no difference in a push feed or CRF, some of the worst are push feed Rems to get to feed, every cartridge needs to fit the feed system just plain and simple, change the cartridge means tuning the feed system most of the time.
I'm with bigngreen on this. I bought a quality Mauser '98 a while ago that had been converted from a standard caliber to a magnum (.308 Norma) and when I pulled the bolt back a round would pop up jam the action because the bolt would contact the round under it in the mag and push it up trying to get both in the chamber. The feed rails had to be adjusted and, just as important, a follower designed for magnum rounds, had to be put in place. It works good now.
I have 2 custom magnum mauser action rifles...1 was chambered in a wildcat 30/338 a d the other in a wildcat 6.5/257 wetherbyy. I rebarreleb both to the 300wsm and the other to the6.5 wsm. Now neither of these rifles will feed correctly at all. Does anyone have any ideas on how can I correct these issues and if so a Smith who can help?? Both are my 2 favorite hunting rifles. Thanks for any help!!
I built a 325wsm on a 98 Mauser and I probably have 10 or so hours in dremel work on the receiver to get the feed to work reliably. I can close the bolt over three rounds and work it as fast as I can with no issues. It can be done with a little finesse and a lot of patients. Good luck!
I'm curious but why a 6.5/257 Wby? Why not just make life easy and do a 264 WM?

On a side note, my M70/WSM has always fed like a champ. Now a friend of mine punched a 700 TI in 300 SAUM to WSM and it was the absolute worst feeding rig I've ever seen (out of the magazine). Second worst I ever worked with was the Mauser 6/284 I mentioned earlier.

The early Kimbers were horrid, then they worked on them and got it right....
Dig up a smith and discuss with him before you get too worried about the costs. I cant imagine it would possibly cost more to clean up the feed system than to purchase a new barrel, have it chambered and have it mounted. Tailoring the feed system to the cartridge is frankly just part of building a custom rifle. Not always by any means but often times.
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