WOW, had a close call this evening!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2008
SW Montana
I had a close one this evening, the good Lord sure had His hand on me!!! I wiped out while hunting alone, which I rarely do, I borrowed a four wheeler to get to my favorite spot for LR deer, snow was way deeper than I thought but I got there and the were buck tracks cruising looking for does, I slide down into a hole of a rock and landed hard and heard my left ankle do the snap crackle pop!!!! Man I didn't have to hit my knees to send up a prayer, the trees were just close enough that I was able to drag myself out of the hole and crawl the hundred yards to the four wheeler and get to the truck. I couldn't get it into the truck so I chanced driving it out 15 miles to get to my Dad's house, I made it out and made it into the door before my legs cramped up. Got into the ER and they got me fixed up and it looks like I broke my ankle. The Good Lord had his hand on me tonight and I sure want to give Him the Glory for keeping me safe!!!
I'm perty sure my season is over, it was just about to get good with all this snow and storms, bumming hard about that but grateful that I got out of the mountains tonight alive.
So I have nothing to do other than sit here on LRH, hopefully you guys score big so I can at least see someone scoring some LR kills!!!
I feel your pain buddy been there done that and yep the bucks are lookin for does and with the weather that's blowing through here and going right to you is plenty reason to be bumming.

Well you got out of there and it does not sound really serious. Could be worse…right. Heal up and start getting ready for next year. Good luck.
I had a close one this evening, the good Lord sure had His hand on me!!! I wiped out while hunting alone, which I rarely do, I borrowed a four wheeler to get to my favorite spot for LR deer, snow was way deeper than I thought but I got there and the were buck tracks cruising looking for does, I slide down into a hole of a rock and landed hard and heard my left ankle do the snap crackle pop!!!! Man I didn't have to hit my knees to send up a prayer, the trees were just close enough that I was able to drag myself out of the hole and crawl the hundred yards to the four wheeler and get to the truck. I couldn't get it into the truck so I chanced driving it out 15 miles to get to my Dad's house, I made it out and made it into the door before my legs cramped up. Got into the ER and they got me fixed up and it looks like I broke my ankle. The Good Lord had his hand on me tonight and I sure want to give Him the Glory for keeping me safe!!!
I'm perty sure my season is over, it was just about to get good with all this snow and storms, bumming hard about that but grateful that I got out of the mountains tonight alive.
So I have nothing to do other than sit here on LRH, hopefully you guys score big so I can at least see someone scoring some LR kills!!!

There is always next season !

The main thing is that you are alright .

I had a similar situation a couple of years ago when I fell just over 60 feet and totally tore
everything in my shoulder loose. All the tenons,three muscle tears and a bicep tear.

I was out of commission for a year and a half and had to shoot left handed when the second
year season began.

But I like you was blessed with good luck and help from the man.

I was face down with my feet well above my head and pinned in a ditch and could not get up.

My friends decided to change there plans and came withen 50 yards of me and I was able to
get there attention or I would have laid there for 6 or 7 hours(it was below 20o).

So before you feel sorry for your self as I did for about 10 seconds think how lucky you were,
as I do and that it could have been a lot worse.

We definitely had someone looking out for us and are very lucky.

I had to learn to do everything left handed and now I'm having to break my self of doing everything with my left hand. (That's why my typing is so bad).

Anyway, don't let it get you down the next season will arrive pretty quick.

Hope you get well soon.

I feel for ya!

Did a similar act a couple of years ago. Rolled with the 4 wheeler about 60' down the mountain side. Me and the rig hit about every 15 feet. I was out like a light and missed the whole thing.

When I woke up my head was between the left rear tire and the hitch. Not much room to spare.

The 4X hit a utility pole holding a large net fence to keep pickups from rolling all the way down.

The 4X T-boned on the pole about 2' feet above my head when I stood to measure it. It must have then slid down the pole and landed straddle my knoggin'. Thus I know what you mean when you say there was a bit of outside intervention. From above!

Take care and get workin' on those winter projects. I'm thinkin' the machine shop will have some tips turned out before Christmas.
Darn Rhian, So sorry to hear this. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know,. Also, when you get to feeling better and can drive, maybe you could drive up and I will help you to a spot and call in some yotes for ya. I have spots not to far from the trails and a good yote bustin will ease the pain for a while. gun)gun)

Glad to hear you were not hurt worse and you made it out ok. Yes, the good lord was with you.

Take care.

Thanks guys!! Ya, hobbled to the window this morning and the weather is some of the best I've seen for hunting, almost made me cry, I've been kinda sitting on my tags till this week and helping everyone get elk out so that I could take this week and really find some LR shots that I can do my way. Man I'm bummed, I worked my tail of prepping for this season and had a lot of confidence. I still may be able to get out and shoot an elk at the ranch but I'd much rather shoot one in the mountains, I think I have enough meat to get through the year so I 'm not to worried about that.
I do need to get to work though, no time of or sick time and we barely have any insurance anymore, the economy is still good here but management uses the national economy as an excuse to pull all our benefits while at the same time having a record sales year and buying two more ranches :rolleyes: Fortunately the ER doc thought the way it was broke may be easy and fast to get over but we'll see what the main doc says on Monday, hopefully I can get it casted up so I can hobble around on it at work.

Roy, I was just thinking about your project :D I think I'll pull my barrel of soon and try a couple chambers and if all goes good I'll get that new barrel chambered.

Thanks Jeff, we've been calling a few dogs in but not many, just haven't had the time to hit it very hard, they should be hot to trot after this front move though!!!gun)
Glad you made it OK - praying for your speedy recovery.

I too didn't go out today and try my luck on elk, the roads were inaccessible :( but better to play it safe than sorry.


Sorry for your accident. makes me think of all the solo hunts I was on this year...with good health luck.
Glad to hear that you are safe! That coulda been much worse. During rehab, do your physical therapy religiously. My wife is a PT ('physical terrorist' as the joke goes--but not too far from the truth as they induce pain!) and it is absolutely amazing what the body can often recover from and how much faster than otherwise through properly applied and controlled physical therapy. There's some hard work and pain in the process, but it's well worth it...huh, sounds a little like hunting, but your 'trophy' is gettin' back out there! Prayers sent your way... Jon
Well, I made it through surgery on Monday but I'm just now getting my innards straightened out. I didn't tear it out bad, just needed some bone chips cleaned out. Next week I get my Gall bladder taken out, this time I'll be ready for the side affects of the top shelf drugs and anesthesia.:rolleyes:

Looks like I'll have some time to work the kinks our of a couple rifles and get a couple others finished.:D:D
Crap dude, you are having a rough go of it. Dang, get all this stuff done up now and get well soon buddy.

If it makes you feel better we have so much snow I dont know if I can get Diane in today to shoot her elk. And if I do it will be a real work out getting the meat out. But I know you would rather be doing this that in the house.

Take care,

Hey buddy its been a while . I've been working alot . This is the first time in a couple weeks to get on LRH and then I see your post . Glad your okay . God is good "all the time" . Get well soon. If u still have my phone # feel free to give me a call any time....:)
Hey buddy its been a while . I've been working alot . This is the first time in a couple weeks to get on LRH and then I see your post . Glad your okay . God is good "all the time" . Get well soon. If u still have my phone # feel free to give me a call any time....:)

Hey man, I was going to give ya a call but I've been struggling with talking and making sense and staying awake because of all the drugs, I'll get a hold of ya some time soon!!
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