Will A Remington 700 338rum Action Work With 338 Lapua ?

Good Times

Active Member
Oct 28, 2015
Have a Remington 700 in 338 Rem Ultra Mag and want to re-barrel in 338 lapua.
Will the bolt face on the Remington action work with the 338 Lapua ?
Will the action and magazine work with the 338 Lapua ?

The rifle is a stock 700 in 338 Rem Ultra Mag with a brown precision stock and no brake.

May just re-barrel with a #4 contour 26" stainless premium barrel and a brake in 338 Rem Ultra Mag if the
338 Lapua is not an option.

Bolt face will be to small. You can have it opened up but I don't know if the action will be optimum for what you want to do.
Thank You,
Going to re barrel in 338 Ultra Mag, as the 338 Lapua does not seem to be a viable option in this action.

Looks like 26" inch barrel and brake
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