What's your favorite rain gear?


Oct 8, 2009
Do you prefer to keep it simple with a poncho or do you go high tech with Gore-Tex or some other miracle fiber?

What do you prefer and why?

Or do you just avoid hunting in the rain?lightbulb
I live where I hunt so I pick the days I hunt. I don’t hunt in the rain but of course you can always get caught out. I love to hunt when there is snow on the ground its cold and it’s snowing lightly. I tried all kinds of Gore-Tex rain gear and it always started to leak after a year or two. I got my hands on a Helly Hanson rain coat and have never looked back. Nothing trick about it just keeps you dry. It’s about 10 years old now and is still in the backpack.

I also use a poncho when horseback. It’s the same as the ones used in the military. I prefer it compared to a whole rain suit.
Oh man - it all depends on what kinda hunting you're doing and how hard it's raining :rolleyes:

If i'm in one spot and at a distance, a G-tex gets the job done - anymore just pick one from a reputable seller so if there's problems you can get a refund or replacement. I also like mountaineering/winter camping and have been playing outside in winter for alot of years and g-tex stuff has come along way. I remember when it was new on the scene and too expensive for the "Average Joe".

Times have changed and i've since used The North Farce, Marmot, Mountain Hardwear, EMS, Cabela's and US Issue. Unfortunately, g-tex type jackets/parka's are noisy so if you're stalking, a water-repellent fleece will work better (also do a google search for soft-shell g-tex - lotsa excellent options for hunting application there).

Most recently, i bought a plain-Jane g-tex un-insulated shell from Cabela's for ~ $100 and it works great. it replaced my $460 Mountain Hardwear ice-climbing jacket that was de-laminating (MH gave me a $460 credit toward whatever they sold and i got a wicked nice down parka and a lgt-wgt rainshell).

Whatever you decide, make sure it's way long on the backside to cover yer rear-echelon.... :D
I use Gore-Tex from head to toe. Hadnt had a problem so far. I dont care if it is raining or not, if I am hunting. I also take a cheap plastic poncho, just in case it rains very hard, that way I protect my gear, rifle and backpack.
I dont hunt in snow, only eventually we get snow on the highlands in the mountains I hunt in, so I hadnt proved my equipment in snowing conditions.
Probably the guys that hunt in Alaska can give us a great advice about rain gear???
I ALWAYS have my Cabelas packable raingear in my pack...great stuff to get you back to the truck...once there I put on my Browning Hydro Fleece GTX and head back out...it rains on me every year during bow season in SW Montana and these systems worked the best for me...I move alot and find that if I wear traditional heavy raingear, it seems to rain on both sides of the stuff:D The Cabelas packable is light so it's always there, and good enough to sit out a thunder boomer, but if I knowing go into the nasty stuff it's GTX all the way....hope this helps....dan
+1 for Helly Hanson. I'm a carpenter and I use the HH raingear, I love it. I hunt with it and love it. Its affordable at about $160 for the pants and jacket. I dont sweat badly in it, it is 100% water-proof, light, and is Olive drab. I have over 100 hours in mine, working.
I have Medalist. It is quiet and breathes extremely well. Even on cool days I will wear it as I would any other light jacket or pant. It also has their silvermax order killing material in it.
RIVERS WEST, best there is, I'v used it in Alaska, Canada, Montana, and Mexico. Tough stuff, and comfortable
Helly Hansen Impertech. I've tried everything up here and this stuff is awesome. My wife fishes with me and she has always hated going along when it is raining (fair weather gal for sure) - until I got a set of Impertech for her. Now when I'm loading the boat she always asks if I have thrown her Impertech in and she actually enjoys a day in the rain.
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