I started out w/ a snipe pod. Then that broke or I lost an attachment piece or something. It was many moons ago. It worked well, when I used it. I really didn't like having it fixed to the gun. Made things awkward. And when it broke or fell off or whatever I was without a bipod for the rest of the hunt.
Then I got some shooting sticks. Steady Stix II, overpriced and since discontinued. Worked very well and were more versatile. I keep them in a handy pocket or set them up if I'm on an ambush. For sitting position they rocked. I also VERY much prefer the shock cord style over the camera tripod style. Set up is way faster. Screw the height adjustment features. You either spread the legs wider or move the rifle fore or aft of where the sticks plant into the ground for height adjustment. The Steady Stix were nice for having a little bungee wrap around them when folded up. Seriously light weight, work great.
For prone... I usually have a crazy creek chair with me. Flip it upside down and you have a rest as good as or better than any sandbag I've ever used.
Standing... If you have time to deploy a shooting stick while standing, you have time to kneel down. Don't stand & shoot unless you *really* have to.