That time of year again - Colorado hunt planning

Well I can see you two are having alot of fun with this...and thats a good thing, but now that everybodys had a good laugh at my expense I think a gentlemens challenge is in order. I propose we have an old fashioned competition between steeds and I'm willing to give double or nothing odds - the two of your horses against my one mule, that is if you guys have hair enough between the two of you to accept. I mean after all you guys have horses and I just have a funny little mule. I think we could come up with a suitable prize for the winner, something along the lines of maybe a new custom barrel of the winners choice, a custom scabbard, a nice scope or maybe a nice action - I'm sure we can figure something out that would be agreeable to all parties. To make it more enticing I'm giving odds of double or nothing, but I get to name the events. I'll name 7 events and just to be extra fair you guys can pick which 5 will make up the competition. The winner will be the team that wins three out of the five events. Sound fair? Here's my list -

1) 25 yd. race
2) 50 yd. race
3) 25 mile race (in the mountains)
4) 50 mile race (mountains and desert)
5) polocrosse match - usually played three players against three, but this one will be you two against me (two against one).
6) jumping contest (coonjumping rules - from a standstill in front of the jump)
7) pistol shooting contest (must be from either in the saddle, no reins in your hand, or laying on the ground between the animals front and rear feet). Distance will be 100 yds. and I get to pick the pistols we use. Three shots each, best average score.

The only rules will be no cheating (this is a gentlemens bet) and that the competition will be done in the same day, it must be completed within 24 hours from the start. You've got to use "Dusty" and "Doc", no substitutions for any reason. I'll be expecting a Foxtrotter and a Foxtrotter cross to show up. I'll use my funny little mule "Jolene". Well what do you think gentlemen? Is it a bet? After all you know what they say - "no guts, no glory". Somehow I think I'm the one that'll be ROFLMAO while you two try and weasle your way out of this friendly little wager.

Yes, I can hear it now...

"My horse just pulled up lame...I'm too wife won't let dog took sick and I can't leave him...


Let the back peddling begin!
now who's panties are in a bunch....
So when would you want to do this....??

In all fairness.. if you know what I do for a living you would have challenged me earlier in the winter... I only get 6 months a year to make the $ I do and it takes 3 months to get ready for those 6.. You may think this is back peddling but I have many who will vouch for me .. on this board that... my busy time is here!!!!
I will however take a rain check on this.. especially before winter hits and I dream up a new project... A new action would fit in to those plans very nice!!!

Upfront I gotta tell ya .. I won't shoot from my horse or near it...I never have trained an animal that I hunt with to do that and I never will.. you think your hearing can go bad from gunshots.. think about the animals who's hearing is much more sensitive than ours, and my horses hearing is much to valuable come the fall!!!!
Also, I will do the pistol shooting in different circumstances. Let say a bear charge at 30 feet.. ;-)if your gonna make it real make it real....

I honestly am not trying to weasle outta this but this is real bad timing and I have many that will , like I said vouch for me..

Just so you know .. I do use many mules.... and I really don't think it was at your expense.. I think the Marlboro man paid the price....
Hello Slymule, Ric and QH

This has been one of the most entertaining threads I have seen.

It's always like that between the Horesmen and the mule owners. Very enjoyable I might add.

Ric and QH---I don't think I would go for that bet if I were you. Slymule has a mule that sounds like it will do everything he has mentioned in his challenge and do it very well. I have heard of Slymule from my friend in Grand Junction.

Slymule---My friends name is Bob Seebring and he sold his last mule just before he moved to Grand Junction from Glenwood, two years ago.

Have fun you guys this is entertaining as hell.


Yeah I have had this discussion on other boards as well.. man I always get my top horse into trouble... One of these days he's gonna get mad..
Just so everyone knows.. Iwasn't trying to start a bickering match...I just thought it was funny about the Marlboro Man... I mean common.. really could you see that as a commercial.. how funny would that be...

For the record I do like mules.. and use them quite often... I just have a real fondness for Dusty who saved my life one time.. so .. I'll always have his back...
as far as the challenge.. I think I might come out fairly well .. especially on the endurance part of it.... see most mules will just flatout shut down when they get tired.

My wife and I just purchased our first wild mustang.. she has been satrting it for the past 6 weeks now.. she had the mare under saddle in 13 days.. from a completely wild horse who never saw man or had interaction with man upclose and personal to under saddle with no humpyness or buck and real gentle.. that says alot about how good my wife is with training. We have trained or tuned up most of our Remuda or string and we have some of the best around .. ( I am allowed to brag cause I'm proud )My wife gets them ready for the saddle and I teach them the hills...
Ask "Hunt724" how good my string is he's rode 'em... in places most men wouldn't think of going...

So anyway this Mustang is gonna be the one to beat.. Horse , mule or whatever....
After the authority (DC) has spoken, this could be me with my tail between my legs.
I learned a long time ago not to bet when you don't understand all the details, and there is always someone better - or maybe better. Never bet against a pro either.

I agree with Wyo and I refuse to shoot around a horse - especially Doc as you would likely end up knowing why we call him Doc
One of my brothers ponies used to be a trials horse so you could probably shoot around him, but he is pushing 18 so he is past his prime.
I am working on the Bighorn sheep societies "Adopt a Herd" program and will be part of a group adopting the S-62 desert rams. Maybe we could get together and go for a ride in the Dominguez area (close to you) and we could both brag about the good things our steeds have in common.
Right now I will be the first to say Doc is fat, happy and shoeless since he has not been ridden since December. By the end of the summer he will be in good shape again, but I still would not bet against somebody as willing to bet as you are!
I would like to see a good mule in action though. Just don't try to sell me on Llamas!
Do you know any of the folks I mentioned in my other post?
Hmmmnn....lets see we've got a

- "I would never shoot around my horse"
- "I'm not trying to weasle out of this but this is really bad timing"
- "I wasn't trying to start a bickering match"
- "I think I might come out fairly well on the endurance part" **but then he wants to use the mustang instead of his personal horse**
- "I learned a long time ago not to bet if you don't understand all the details"
- "I refuse to shoot around a horse...or you'd likely end up knowing why we call him Doc"
- "maybe we could get together and go for a ride instead...
- "Doc is fat, happy, and shoeless and hasn't been ridden since December"
- "I wouldn't bet against somebody as willing to bet as you are!"

Thats not bad so far guys...wait, I think I feel a tear welling up in my one eye...nope my mistake, must be this darn cold.

Let me address a few points, answer a couple of your questions and let everybody know my real intentions -

QuietHunter - don't know the one legged man that trains cutting horses, sorry. Don't know the guy that retired from the FWS (Is this Fish, Wildlife Service?) although I know three or four people up Kannah Creek Road, one who is an outfitter. I can always be talked into going for a ride (Dominquez canyon)especially if I'm allowed to brag on my mules good qualities. I'd never try to talk you into a Llama!

WyoWhisper - my panties aren't in a bunch and I knew you weren't trying to start a bickering match. I'm not without a sense of humor either,and the Marlboro man scenario would make a funny commercial. I just wanted to see how fast and hard you guys would backstroke from this challenge. Now don't get me wrong, I'm more than willing to make this wager (thats why I made it), because I could also use a good action for a gun I'm wanting to build. But most importantly you can believe since I named the events, I was figuring my mule wouldn't be beat in ANY of them. I ride a pretty exceptional mule.

Darryl - you're right its always been that way between people who like horses vs. people who like mules. Good advice you gave those boys - I do have a mule that does those things VERY well. The name Bob Seebring rings a bell but I can't put a face to the name off hand.

Regarding shooting around animals - I have shot around my animals and they're all used to it. A guy never knows when he may have to shoot off of one or right next to one in a situation and if you have to you sure don't want to be left afoot 20 miles from nowhere. I know they have sensitive ears so I'm careful what I'm shooting and where the muzzle blast is going. Remember, the rules say that I got to pick the guns we were going to shoot. If you took the wager, you guys would of been shooting QuietHunter's big *** large calibre handgun and I'd be shooting my S&W K-22.
That had all the makings of probably being an exciting event to watch.

Bragging time - I've got a pretty exceptional mule, theres NO QUIT in her and she can run like a raped ape and stop and spin on a dime. If you know anybody in the country that plays polocrosse THEY ALL know "Jolene", because they've either seen her, heard of her, or had the misfortune of getting "smoked" by her on the playing field. She'll outrun 90% of the horses out there and theres some pretty darn fast horses playing the game, most of them being Quarter horses or Thoroughbreds. She's kind of like the energizer bunny, she just never quits. Most people take two horses to play on, I just take Jolene. If I had a dime for everybody that left the field shaking their head in disbelief that they just got smoked by a mule...why I'd have enough to buy that action to build a gun. The first year I played on her (2 years ago) she took me to first place in the Nationals in my division. Last year I qualified for Nationals but it was held during hunting season so we went hunting instead. So...she's here and she's for real and if you guys want some of this action, I'm more than willing to step up to bat.
Had to put my thoughts and $$$ in here. Since I have rode slymules stock, I will give you boy's the same offer, so you have a chance to double up, if'n your big enough to step up to the plate. Hope you still got my girl there slymule, you know I got first dibbs on Thursday if she ever comes up for sale, later jimmyd223
No No No No.. I ain't backin out..

but common I coulda set up any scenerio to make us look abad too... Of course it looks like I'm backing out.. but I ain't .. If you understood my business you'd know it was a bad time.. or maybe you DID know and thats why you said it....

NEVER, NEVER said I'm using a Mustang .. I just said we have one in training that is truely exceptional!! and give me a year or so in the hills with her and we'll play for "pink slips".. what ya think... yup you readit right.. thats how much confidence I got in this mare...

I do feel very confident about the endurance... and the jumping.. not sure why the 25 or 50 yards in necessary.. quick speed really doens't come into play while hunting.. not for me anyway.. but hey I'm game...
I too have a fat and happy horse. I keep them that way for the winter. Most guys do...
I have never had the opportunity nor the necessity to shoot off of a horse .. and I have been in most situations including 2 Grizzly charges within seconds....
You may have and exceptional mule...did you train her?? Just curious... Do you know Jake Clark???

I never played polocross and not sure that's fair game for an animal who hasn't been playing it...

Wanna try some reined cow horse events??? Does your mule go down the fence...just curious.

What I do know is any event in the mountains I will put my horse through.. he's been there and done it.. and if we go to the mountians.......

PACK A FREAKIN'LUNCH.. cause you ain't gonna win anything real easy.. WOOOO HOOO

Here's another twist.. How about we bring 3-5 animals a piece and keep track.. cause most of mine will do all that it takes to go to the hills..or maybe pack 2 and ride one then switch them every 10 miles for 30 miles and see who comes out at the end... see thay all get the same training so you can jump on just about anything I have and go to work..I just have 2 personal horses that I ride.. I just started another one as Dusty is gettin pretty old.. and if I told you how old, you'd just say I was making another excuse so I won't ....

glad to see you have a sense of humor.. you need one around me .. just ask any of my friends....

But we gotta be fair.. I honestly don't have the time to be goin anywhere for the weekend or during the week for that matter...not now.. but I AM GAME !!!
Slymule, if you keep misquoting me, I might think your as senile as your mule and take you up on this... nah.

"If you took the wager, you guys would of been shooting QuietHunter's big *** large calibre handgun and I'd be shooting my S&W K-22."
I do not own a handgun and pretty much would be willing to wager you cannot show where I said I did - especially a "big ***" one.

Was trying to find a common ground to determine your credibility, but you got the whole Forest Service, FWS thing messed up, but I am just guessing you were in a hurry - which explains why you like a slow ride in the mountains so you don't miss things there.

How old is this Jolene freak of nature anyway?
I will not doubt the potential for an "exceptional" mule to do well at what you are describing, but I think that ordinary Doc would beat about every ordinary mule at hunting related things.

How do you plan to do the 25 and 50 mile trips on one day? Is it just a 50 mile trip where half way counts?
Do you already have this course picked out?

One thing you did not put in here is a time frame. I think when Doc is 15 we might be able to arrange something, but it would have to revolve around realistic hunting related things. I don't know what Polocrosse is for sure, but does it involve swooping down to pick up the reins of the mule that just bucked your riding partner off?
Wouldn't you know it...just as I was closin' in on the kill look who shows up cause he smelled a sure thing. How the hell are ya' Jim? Now don't you be tryin to pluck my two pigeons out from underneathe me - cause I found em' first! You must be needing a new action too huh? Well maybe there'll be enough for both of us. Oh, and you know better than to ask Thursdays' just like Jolene - she's not goin anywhere.

WyoWhisper, I have no idea what you do for a living so that never entered into the challenge. What do you do anyway? And yes, I know Jake Clark and he knows me, we've never met in person but we've talked on the phone 4 or 5 times regarding mules. In fact I almost threw up as a suggestion that we do this at Jake Clark Mule Days since I knew you had to be up there near him somewhere. But...wanting to go easy on ya' and all... I didn't want to see you humiliated in front of too many people, expecially at an all mule event like that. The other reason was I'm going to be right in the middle of the police academy at that time and I'd only have Saturday and Sunday off and its a long way to go when you only have two days off.

Pink slips....HEE HEE...thats a good one!

Yes, my mules hog fat right now too, in fact all of them are. They haven't done hardly anything since hunting season. And I bought her when she was coming 3 years old and she was just verily green broke so I take most of the credit for her training.

Polocrosse - why sure its a fair game even if your animals never played before. After all it was gonna be two against one, what more could you want. I guess I could play one handed and hold the reins in my mouth like John Wayne did in the movie True Grit.

Never tried any reined cow horse events in my life. Does my mule go down the fence? ****, she'd climb stadium bleachers if I asked her too! Don't know why she wouldn't run down a fence.

"Here's another about we bring 3-5 animals a piece..." - there ya' go wantin' to change the rules and takin all the pressure off of Dusty.
NO, NO, NO - thats not gonna work!!!

You DO sound game and I like that in my pigeons, I mean my victims....sorry I meant my...oh never mind. Being GAME is GOOD - I like that!

QuietHunter, I MUST BE getting senile in my old age. I got you confused with Sscoyote who posted earlier in this thread - he shoots some big high powered hand cannon. My mistake!

"How old is this Jolene freak of nature?" - she's either 8 or 9, I can't remember - its that senile thing again.

"How do I plan on doing both the 25 and the 50 mile course in the same day?" - I don't, didn't figure you could either since you only have 24 hours to work with. Kinda looks like you might have to pick one or the other - remember I named the events, you guys get to pick which ones. Guess you gotta pick smart.

"Do I have the course picked out?" - not really, but I gave it a little thought. Actually I figured you guys would be smarter than to pick either of the two longest races so you might at least have a shot at winning.

"I think when Doc is 15 we might be able to arrange something" - so how old is he anyway? I just figured you've had him for awhile, didn't know you were talking about a young colt that you'd be worrying about breaking down.

"I don't know what polocrosse is for sure, but does it involve swooping down to pick up the reins of the mule that just bucked your riding partner off?" - YEAH RIGHT!!!

Maybe in your case we might have to do that for you, but in the game of polocrosse you do have to scoop up a ball off the ground but you have a racket like they use in Lacrosse. Its kind of like a combination of polo and Lacrosse, instead of hitting a little hard ball on the ground with a mallet your able to scoop a softball sized ball up with a racquet, pass it around, throw it in to score, etc. It takes riding ability, finesse, good hand eye coordination, and most importantly a fast animal with a really good rein. You may want to pick a different event cause when you fall off they don't stop the game.

The time frame - I figured sometime between summer and fall. I'm in no rush to pluck my pigeons.
Well Mr. Slowmule,
I got your email and will get in touch with ya when I can free up some time and Doc has some shoes on. We can spend a day or two in the desert, or if the sheep draws work right, maybe on a mountain real close to where John Wayne did the famous True Grit scene. After we are both impressed by our respective rides and our horsemanship er I mean mulemanship (sounds like something from the spam mail I just got...) we can make a Gentlemans bet if you would like.

Heee Hawww, Heee Hawwww

Slymule you're not that Deputy Marshall out of Dodge City now are you?
Mr. F. Haggan wouldn't right nothing but a mule. Don't get me wrong My MONEY is on Jolene

I've seen somethings that mules can do. Does your wife tell Jolene not to take her man away during hunting season
. But really would like to see the two of you complete
boys boys boys-
now the way i see it if you were my kids i would split you up and send you to your rooms - this is of course after i was done smackin myself for having offspring like you. you are not making your kin proud i assure you. however i do, very much so, love healthy competition. my daddy can beat up your daddy, my shot was tougher than your shot, my mule is better than your horse - holy chit this is not exactly what i had in mind!!!
i may be new to this site but i know a few people on the site and they can vouch for me i have done my fair share of hunting and guiding in pa and wy. i have used both horse and mules. great animals and both could kick anyones *** up and down the mountain. now in all fairness i have guided with wyowhisper and i do know his string of animals on his ranch. he is very very very particular on the training and care of these animals as i would imagine you are with yours. i will say my main experience has been with some mountain beating horses. to date there is not one place i have directed them to go, along with the person i am guiding, that they didnt go. whether it was thru the thorofare 30 miles back, up green creek, on tarmagon mountain about 13,000 ft ect. they have never let me down or my hunter. i am sure you can say the same and more as could i.
i do wonder about the bet you are trying to make, and if you put 2 mice in a bag i'd bet which one would come out first. so betting is all good by me. however, both guys you are betting have to accomadate you and go to your home field because your excuse/reason is you work mon-fril, as if they dont, and only have sat/sun off and it is a long way off to travel for two days (it is the same distance for them). they are probably teaching you now in the academy about be careful when you are not on your own turf - home field is an advantage and a disadvantage to the visitor. so you are naming the betting criteria and have home field adv. - sounds a bit one sided. now i have not forgotten about you are being kind to let the other players pick 5 out of the 7, which essentially means you are still picking the 5 measures of criteria. it would be a fair contest if you alternated picks for the different challenges in the contest. tie breaker for the player to pick the 5th and last criteria would be determined by a flip of a coin or something that simple. just a thought. and one more thing you have to remember and cant dispute and they may not teach this in the academy, (which i never saw a law enforcer riding a mule), a mule is a sterile hybrid male *** and a female horse. so the take away message is you wouldnt have an *** if it werent for horses.
just a thought - now boys go back to your bickering nicely.
now leave your mother and i alone.
Hunt you may not be old enough to remember GUNSMOKE but Fester Haggan rode a MULE and only a MULE! And he got where he needed to go.
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