Should we start to boycot these high prices?

C-130 Dude

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
I'm am wondering if I (we) should start to boycot these companies that are bending us over, charging these extortionate prices on reloading supplies. This high price greed is not ok. They are praying on the pandemic pricing craze. There is no way that their raw materials have gone up that much to warrant these high prices. Maybe we need to just say "enough of this crap. Stuff your prices!"
I have not bought anything from LGS that was that high priced. I don't buy on Gunbroker if that's what you are talking about. I went to my first gun shoe in over five years and did not buy at their prices either.
Yeah, people can try to ask any fool and charge any fool price they wish. But Gun is supporting plain out and out theft and should be shut down. IMHO. I'm not that desperate.
Companies do not sit there making up ways to stroke you, they simply take their cost and pass it on at a percentage, literally some low level employee is entering the invoices and a computer punts out the retail.
The retailers I deal with have all lowered their margins to near zero while their cost of sales has exploded, everyone is just trying to survive this inflation!! Go boycott them, if your successful at this point stores will fold up and disappear leaving less competition and even higher prices in your wake!!
BG said it well.

Ultimately it's your money but you have to pay to play.

Learn from this and stock up when prices are good. And yes they will be good again. It's cyclical like any other commodity.
I don't have a horse in this race. UT I do think it's a great idea to get it at a good price. What I would really like to know is how you think prices will be good again. What would have to occur??

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