Well-Known Member
I just ordered a Featherweight Thumbhole laminated replacement stock for my BMAG from Boyds for $99. Just became available this morning. Several models showing. Enjoy.
i ordered a tacticool for my Bmag and while I was there i ordered an ss evolution for my marlin 917.. woo hoo can't waitI just ordered a Featherweight Thumbhole laminated replacement stock for my BMAG from Boyds for $99. Just became available this morning. Several models showing. Enjoy.
I spoke with a fellow at Boyds, and he said the bottom plastic cover plate / trigger guard will be eliminated and the new stock will have a metal trigger guard on it.There is no metal floor plate or trigger guard on the BMAG. It just a cheap plastic piece with a plastic trigger guard molded in.
I just got my stock in today and input it all the together but it appears that the slot for safety slide is not deep enough and I cannot engage the safety. I have a call into to boyds but still have not received a call back. Anybody else have this problem?