rear support in a sitting position


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
A lot of the time ya just can't get prone. What equiptment and techniques are you using for long range shooting from a sitting position. I just bought the tall harris bipod. I've been shooting off sticks for years, but not long range.

Thanks for the advice!

I'm on the horns of the same de'lama as you.

I too have the sitting length bipod and have used the elbow on knee thing which has proven unsat.

I built a tripod with a brace that steadied the rear. It worked pretty well but shots are consistently spread horizonally a bit too much.

I'll be interested in what others have to say.

I read the thread. Was just trying to figger a way to keep from spending the money which BTW went to the vet yesterday for my Lab. Dern dog was a freebie, now I have an investment. I think I'll go for the 1k blind retrieve club./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I guess I'll just quit whinin' and go the stoney point route on your recommendation.
If I use the tall Harris's I also use a second rest, usually an Underwood or Stoney Point just back of the pistol grip, angle it forward to get the proper elevation. You could make a simple wooden set of crossed sticks or use a single leg monopod with a "Y" on top for the butt. Any support back there is better than none. With long shots you usually have time to get setup comfortably.
i have been using them hear are some pics




I checked out the review and the website. Looks like a great product. What to do with the harris now? Can anybody tell me if I can clamp the stoney point monopod to the harris bipod? Looks like it would work? Ian? Also, how's the rigidity of the harris bipod? I thought it would be nice if the harris was sturdier.
Finally got to the store today. I picked up the stoney point tripod and tag along. I played with them in the living room. My initial impression is, this is one slick system!

It took me a minute to figure out the best place to rest the tag along on my pistol grip stock. Finally settled on two good places. The first is right between my knuckles. The other good spot is in front of the trigger guard. I am impressed with the versatility and ease of use. I could pivot and raise and lower elevation way better than I'd hoped. Stability is great too. Way better than the Harris with a monopod or backpack under the but.

To those who recomended these, thanks for the good advice! To Roy, better get ya some!

I'm going to use these in the field this weekend. Hopefully will have a pic of a coyote or two.
I use two sitting positions:

1. Backpack. I backpack hunt, therefore I have a backpack with me 90% of the time. With the pack standing upright in front of me, I grasp the forearm with my left hand, lay it on the upright pack, and pull into my shoulder. Right elbow on right knee.

2. Sling supported. Having shot a bit of Highpower, I am comfortable using a sling. With a scoped magnum, you can't shoot as low, or cross-legged, but it is still pretty good (and better, if combined with the backpack).
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