You should call Greg and talk to him about how to use the machine, he's a really nice guy.
I'm only a nice guy to people that conduct themselves in an honorable fashion. When people demonstrate that their feelings and their inferiority complex are more important to them than the truth... and they want me to come to fairytale land and affirm their idiocy, I'm not a nice guy at all.
They are the same kind of people that think men can get pregnant. That's why you and I got along... you're not an idiot.
I've had the same conversation about primer seating depth methodology hundreds of times. The same one I had with
@QuietTexan and countless others. One person out of a thousand complains about me trying to "talk over their head" and "give them a sales pitch." I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is. Everyone else thanks me for my insight and time. I pride myself on explaining extremely complex topics in very simple terms. Mentoring shooters is what I do. It's what I do for a living, not just a hobby. Some people are just incapable of understanding the reality at hand, and they think that's my fault. Then they think they can badmouth and disrespect me, and I'm suppose to talk to them still. lol
Nah, I think not.
I got this guys CPS back and a refund check has been issued.
To celebrate never having to deal with him ever again,
I'm giving that CPS away here in this thread. Don't worry, I checked it over... and as suspected, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. So when you get it just give me a call and I'll have the same chat I had with
@QuietTexan and everyone else that ever wants to learn how to properly prime brass and you'll be priming like a pro in no time.
So, how should we choose who gets this CPS? I'd like it to go to someone that's actually going to use it. If you'd like a CPS, advocate for yourself here... then we'll let those that already have a CPS vote on who gets it? I'm open to better ideas.
Remember folks, you'll never find someone attacking someone else on the internet, that has a life you'd want. They are all miserable with crappy lives. If they couldn't rip people down on the internet all day and try to prop up their lack of experience with their false claims of authority... they'd die right then and there.
So ignore them... and let the angry stupid people do what angry stupid people do. They are posers. Most of them don't even shoot. Don't even acknowledge their presence. Instead have a look at the smile on my face with my 82" pronghorn from this year, with my new 7 PRC Primal carbon fiber build from Stratton Custom Rifles.
Live a life full of joy and when someone decides to attack you... ignore them. It's not your job to make them like you. Go do all the things you want to do and leave them right where you found them. You don't have to tell them to go to hell, because they are already there. Let them tantrum like a little toddler while you walk away with a smile.
Now lets find this CPS a proper home.