Coyote Shadow Tracker

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Dec 9, 2020
Social Circle, GA
Hello All!!!
Just thought I would put this out-real excited!
New equipment for enhanced accuracy!
I just received my NEW CPS unit along with the Priming unit from UPS. I have 100 prepped case waiting to be primed in my Gundeon. Can't wait to get them primed with this new CPS unit. Was planning on going to the PRS range tomorrow to shoot. Samson has been not doing well, so may have it visit my Vet friend in the AM to see what is going on. Samson age in years old at the end of his years for the breed. Have to take care of him before any shooting he's at my side 24/7.
I'll check out what this new machine makes for SDs and groups in our zero range in the back property next few days and update everyone!
Len & Jill
Hope things go well at the vet. Keep us posted on Samson's health.
Thanks he's not just a service animal-he's my best friend (next to Jill) and with me 24/7 had to say that she tends to think Samson is ahead of her. When I am shooting he jumps back into the truck, if it's hot the AC is running. Hell I wish I was a Samson. He is also a hunter, killed a coyote that was staking us along a road and several more behind the house. He protects our goats and cats. Sansom is 145#s Coyote 30+lbs no contest. The Coyote as quicker, but Samson smarter.
Yea he's at that age sorry to say. Wish they could out live us, but then where would that leave them without us?
Len & Jill