Opinions on VX6-HD 4-24


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2017
I have seriously been thinking on purchasing VX6-HD 4-24. I would like to know how it stacks up to other high end scopes? Any feed back is greatly appreciated. I do already have the Zeiss HD 5 and a Nightforce NXS and SHV.

Colby Couch.
I have seriously been thinking on purchasing VX6-HD 4-24. I would like to know how it stacks up to other high end scopes? Any feed back is greatly appreciated. I do already have the Zeiss HD 5 and a Nightforce NXS and SHV.

Will you be dialing or holdover shooting?

If you're dialing, I think the NF is the way to go, if not, I'm sure the Leupold will be fine.

Most of my stuff has NF NXS on them but guns that I know I'll mostly be doing holdover shooting with I don't see the need for a NF. I'm using a non-HD VX6 3-18x50 on a 20-250 build because I know it'll mostly be used for predator hunting where I won't have time to dial.
The vx6hd has some crazy good glass in it, especially for hunting where low light matters. I've looked through some clients scopes at dusk and it's impressive. Never owned one so can't comment on turret tracking.
I usually dial. I'm also looking at the Zeiss V6 5-30. Hard decision when it comes to that much hard earned money
I have seriously been thinking on purchasing VX6-HD 4-24. I would like to know how it stacks up to other high end scopes? Any feed back is greatly appreciated. I do already have the Zeiss HD 5 and a Nightforce NXS and SHV.

Colby Couch.
I have the 4-24 and the 3-18, great scopes, great glass and I really like the zero stop dial.


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Do you use yours for hunting? How's the low light capabilities and how would you rate it compared to some of the other high end scope manufacturers. Thank you
Do you use yours for hunting? How's the low light capabilities and how would you rate it compared to some of the other high end scope manufacturers. Thank you
I did use it for deer hunting but never had to deal with low light conditions. The turret adjustment seem very reliable and clarity is great.
Do you use yours for hunting? How's the low light capabilities and how would you rate it compared to some of the other high end scope manufacturers. Thank you

I compared one side by side with a Swarovski z5 5-25X52 and Bushnell 6500 4 1/2-30X50. The Leupold VX-6 4-24X52 and the other two went down at the same time. I use deer antlers 13" wide in the woods 131 yards away for the test.
They were the same, except for two of the Swarovskis. They were terrible. The Leupold VX-5 3-15X56 beat them by six minutes. The Swarovski z81 2.3-18X56 beat that by another ten minutes.
I have the VX6HD 4-24 on my 300 WM. IMO it's a fantastic scope and I feel that it's the best scope that Leupold has ever produced. Is it Nightforce durable in adjustments? Maybe not, but it's done everything I've asked it to do beyond 1000 yards in over a year of use.

Based on reputation, the Nightforce NXS has more durable adjustments, but you have to deal with inferior glass, screwy parallax, ancient illumination adjustment, the annoying magnification/eyepiece adjustment, and excess weight. I can't, in all honesty, speak for the ATACR other than I know they're heavier than the NXS, but users have stated that the ATACR is said to have corrected the common issues/compromises reported by users of the NXS.
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I've got two Nightforces and they are probably my least favorite scopes. I've never bought a leupold but I'm going with that VX-6hd and how could you go wrong with a leupold warranty
The only problem I see with the leupold new zero stop, is you only get 2 turns of total elevation before the dial stops, it does on my vx6hd 3-18x44 anyways, so anything beyond 40moa of elevation, you using the reticle, I wish there was a way around it, there may be, but I do not know. I'd love to put this exact scope on my new 300 norma, however I want to have more dialing than that.
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