Obama says 18 billion dollars is not much money


Active Member
Jul 11, 2008
Last night in the Presidential debate Obama responded Mcains one particular statement of an 18 billion doller saving in a useless defence expenditure to the tax payers of the US saying 18 billion dollars is not much money.

Well let take a look in perspective:

18 billion milliseconds ago about six months ago I retired.
18 billion seconds ago it was 1438 Columbus has not discovered North America.
18 billion minutes ago 34,000 years modern man has just evolved.
18 billion hours ago 2,000,000 years it was the stone age.
18 billion days ago 50,000,000 years brings to the Palegen (Tertiar) Period when India was just begining to collide with Asia forming the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau.
And 18 billion weeks ago 344,000,000 years Dinosaurs walked the Earth.

So Mr. Obama 18 billion is alot, tell us another one. Oh and another trilion dollars in new spending over and above the 700 bilion dollar bailout? 1 trillion milliseconds ago it was 1978 then President Jimmy Carter with is brilliant foreign policy gave us the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran and the hostages, Robert Mugabe In Zimbabwe, and oh boy that winfall profit tax on domestic oil companies (foreign oil companies were exempt) doubling our requirement for foreign oil, gas prices doubled, lines at the pump, even and odd day gas purchases.
Yea, you're right. Bush did a great job with oil prices!

He also pushed for this $700 billion bailout. what happened 700 billion seconds ago?

How many billion something was it that Clinton (That BAD BAD democrat who didn't take away our guns in 8 years) was in office and I was paying 93 cents for a gallon of gas?

$18 billion is not a lot of money in federal government terms.
Perhaps you forgot about the Clinton Assault Weapon ban that passed in 1994? Oh wait, let me guess, it didn't cover any of the weapons that you own, and no one likes those rifles for hunting anyway (J. Zumbo anyone). Clinton was stopped cold in his tracks on this issue after a Republican congress, and eventually senate was elected - had nothing to do with Clinton and his policies.

Just do a web search on Brady-II, and see the kind of legislation that the Democrats had lined up after passing the assault weapons ban. Bear in mind when reading this legislation that "primers" would qualify for the "tax".

They were also planning on coming after "sniper" rifles. After all, don't "real" hunters try go get close.....(sarcasm alert).
"1 trillion milliseconds ago it was 1978 then President Jimmy Carter"

Now he did do something right, he was responsible for setting aside an area for drilling in the Arctic! ANWR, but nobody wants to drill there because they are all MORONS!


Sorry, Sarah is for it, 3 out of 4 are MORONS :)
Newly elected President Bill Clinton wasted little time in seizing upon "assault weapons" as well as "sniper rifles" the heavy barreled target and long rage rifles hunters and shooters enjoy on this forum a political issue. Along with "midnight basketball" and the never-to-be-fulfilled promise of 100,000 new police officers, it quickly became part of an effort to transform concern for public safety into a political issue.

Clinton had barely finished moving into the White House when he proclaimed we "can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans to legitimately own handguns and rifles." Then, stringing together several whoppers in a single sentence, he announced, "I don't believe that everybody in America needs to be able to buy a semi-automatic or fully-automatic weapon, built only for the purpose of killing people, in order to protect the right of Americans to hunt and practice marksmanship and to be secure."

In 1995 Presdent Clinton Vetoed the AMWR drilling bill, when bills are defeated or vetoed it is very difficult to revisit them in Congress due to long list of Congresstion red tape and legislative regulations, this information was conveyed to me in a personal coversation with then speaker of the House Denny Haster while I was flying him to Washington for important Congresstional business. It was also reconfirmed by a demmocrat junior congressman but I forgot his name.

Executive Order 13107, issued on December 4, 2000 by Clinton, sets aside 84 million acres in the Pacific Ocean, the largest protected area in the U.S. territories, preventing fishing (i.e., commercial and recreational) and the much-needed oil drilling that can be carried out in this largely desolate area.

Similar executive orders have designated national monuments in the Alaskan Wilderness Refuge and vast tracts of land in the West, including Wyoming, where private citizens have protested to no avail. Wyoming and Utah worlds largest deposit of "cleanburning coal" and "shale oil". The next largest deposit of "clean burn coal" is located in Southeast Asia owned by the Lippo Group. Does that rig a bell?

By mid-December 2000, President Clinton had issued 347 executive orders, which have far-reaching consequences. Among these, journalist Cliff Kincaid noted, there were 80 classified Presidential Decision Directives (PDDs) mandating secret, unilateral executive actions that impact on the freedom of Americans.

It is chilling to think what Obama will do with these kind of powers.
Anytime I hear a candidate running for office and he states limiting our Constitutional rights firearms or otherwise in some fashion its big NEGETIVE MARK FOR HIM. I like candidate's that state what they believe in, but I put a HIGH MARK on someone that speaks his mind and does his best to insure the rights of the American people and in-stilling the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If you don't like what our founding fathers created in this great country please move to another country.

George Washington's Farewell Speech
That's probably one of the reasons why George Washington hated the idea of political parties so much. Here's what he said about them in his 1796 farewell speech:

"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty." I know that George had a habit for using big words, so allow me to translate into 2008 English: Political parties that put their own success over that of the countries will be the death of America. If you don't believe him yet, just wait a few more years...you're about to see firsthand how right he was. After all, if power corrupts, then the kind of absolute power gained by political parties (and feared by Washington) corrupts absolutely. The best advice I can give you is to stop thinking in terms of left and right and start thinking in terms of right and wrong. Demand the best leaders possible, and then demand the best out of them.

Long Live the USA.
What did Bush do? Destroyed our economy? I paid $3.47 for gas the other day and was happy about it.

I'm a republican, not a democrat. But Bush has destroyed us. If we stick with A-holes just because they are of our "family" (so to speak) then we are as bad as anyone else. We need to rebuild the republican party not try to cover up what a moron Bush is.

Obama's biggest attack on McCain is linking him to Bush and Iraq. He needed to come clean and admit it was a mistake, but we NEED to finish the job. The Obama would have nothing left. Ironically, McCains biggest poke at Obama is his inexperience but then he goes and picks Palin? Obama looks like Winston Churchill compared to Palin. Why didn't he pick Mike Huckaby? Conservative guy with personality and appeal with young people.

McCains statement in the debate about immediately buying up all the bad loans and renegotiating with homeowners was a very desperate move. He looked very desperate at the debate. I love John McCain and want him to be the next president.

But he blew it!

My point about the $18 billion being, in fact, a little money is simply this; Let stop attacking Obama with propaganda and start looking at our own flaws in the republican party.

How have you been doing big JOHN ?

I hear you !!!

As long as Congress can't work well together were in the Sewer

I'm a republican, not a democrat.


Just exactly which Republican party do you belong to? You CLEARLY sound more like an Obama fan!
The BHO fans always start out by saying that they voted for Bush or that they are Republicans, but they are fed up.....this does not pass the smell test!


PS changing from 1,000:1 odds to 2:1 sounds like Obama too!
The comment about the odds is a perfect example of propaganda. Is was an obvious joke.

Yes, I am a republican. And I'm not the only one fed up with Bush nor am I the only one that thinks Palin is a joke. I would love to see McCain but not Palin. McCain's advisors have to be the worst I've ever seen. Yes, I would rather see Obama or Biden that Palin. I don't have to lick the a$$holes of arch conservatives to be a republican.

Obama is 100% right when he says that we failed to finish the job in getting bin laden. He attacked us.

I also support the escalation in Iraq and I'm again any kind of time line to get out. I think we NEED to win to bring moral support to America. We are a polarized nation. Badabooms quotes from G. Washington are correct. This partisianship is hurting our country.

A lot of you have talked about the WWII era. People pitched in and the country was united. But there was also a lack of partisanship. How can anyone be conservative or liberal ALL the time. I think so I'm forced to be independent.

I think it is insane to vote for McCain just for his views on gun control. I want my 2nd amendment rights too but we are about to go into another depression. There are bigger issues at hand.

And again I am a republican and currently not to pleased with my party. If all republican keep acting like you guys we wont be around much longer.

I think it is insane to vote for McCain just for his views on gun control. I want my 2nd amendment rights too but we are about to go into another depression.


Here we are in some agreement, BUT voting for a Socialist is not going to help!

Please, if you know where Bin Laden is, then tell me because I could use the $50 million dollar bounty!

Oh, and speaking of people that have actually attacked this Country, that would include Bill Ayers, a personal FRIEND of the Obama's....yes folks did die...fortunately it was Bill's girlfriend and another bomb maker...not to mention the Cop and Guards in the Brinks robbery.

In the NYTIMES on September 11, 2001 Bill Ayers said that he regretted they did not do more! Let's see they bombed the Pentagon, the Capital and Police Headquarters in NYC.
Hmmm. Bin Laden attacked the Pentagon, attempted to attack the Capital/White House, and also attacked NYC. There seems to be a familiar theme here!

Now back to the actual tickets!

You will vote for the Number one on the ticket that has ZERO experience, but not the other ticket that has plenty in the #1 position and not much in the #2 ( but more than Obama)!

Still sounds like a Democrat! I am not criticizing you or anyone for being a Democrat, only that it does not seem to be the 100% correct. ( Unfortunately my two kids are still Liberal, but I suspect that when they start paying real taxes they may come around :) )

Edge, I never said I was voting for Obama. I'm voting for McCain. Yes I did say that I don't like Palin and I did say that I would rather see Obama or Biden before her, but I'm not going to vote for Obama because of it.

My point was that I really don't want to see her in charge NOT that I want to see Obama or Biden. I was illustrating a point.

Yes, I am a republican, but I'm not an arch conservative. In fact didn't most arch conservatives vote against McCain in the primary?

Perhaps I'm just ****ed off that we couldn't get our act together with a better game plan and a better ticket. I will stick by what I have said that McCains advisors are terrible. He was tied with Obama and now he is way behind.

One of my favorite political jokes is "Why is George Bush against cloning?" "Because he knows they would clone Ronald Reagan and throw him out."

Reagan united this country he used military might to scare the crap out of our enemies.
We republicans need to get charismatic people like that back to the head of our party. Bush gave us a big black eye and McCain should have been out there admiting this not showing loyalty to a guy that is the most unpopular president in our lifetime.

Bush is a disaster and McCain needed to say it. I watched McCain on a talk show about a year ago when he said how bad the current administration is and the crowd went nuts with applause. He should have stayed that course.
I SEE, said the blind man :)

Apparently we are not that far apart after all!

I want my 2nd amendment rights too but we are about to go into another depression. There are bigger issues at hand.
This has got to be one of the most absurd things I have ever heard......"I like my constitutional rights, but I'd give them up for a sense of security".

Or as some old guy once said: "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin
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