NXS 5.5- 22 Mildot Range How To


May 8, 2003
I have a NXS Mildot reticle scope and want to learn how to use the retcle to range what I am shooting at.Does anybody have any good resources for helping out?
Do yourself a favor and purchase a Mildot Master. Beats the hell out of a calculator.
The easy part is learning to break the dots down into 1/4 and 1/2 increments. Practice will allow you break them down into 1/8 and 1/10 increments for much better ranging accuracy. This takes a lot of practice and spending an hour or so isn’t going to get you there. Take your scope with you everywhere and range any and everything of known sizes. That will make you better.

Remember to get good with them…..It’s practice, practice, and more practice. When you think you’ve practiced enough…Tell yourself “Wrong” and go practice, practice and practice even more.

Mildot calculations.

For yards

Take the target size in inches, multiple it by 27.77 and divide it by the number of mildots covering the target.

Example: For the sake of argument, a ground hog standing is 15 inches. 15 X 27.77 = 416. It takes 1.25 mildots to cover the ground hog (top of head to ground). Divide 416 by 1.25 = 333 yards to the ground hog

For meters
Take the target size in inches, multiple it by 25.4 and divide it by the number of mildots covering the target.

Example: Same ground hog standing is 15 inches. 15 X 25.4 = 381. He covers 1.25 mildots. Divide 381 by 1.25 = 304 meters to the ground hog.

Hope it helps

[ 10-17-2003: Message edited by: Jeff In TX ]

[ 10-17-2003: Message edited by: Jeff In TX ]
Also buy the cd called Shooterready, check it out at www.shooterready.com

Mildot master is a great idea, biggest thing is to learn the basis and get out and practice a whole bunch on known dimension objects. There is a lot of experience based decisions to make when doing miling.

Easier to buy a laser rangefinder, use the mildots as backups.
Also buy the cd called Shooterready, check it out at www.shooterready.com

Mildot master is a great idea, biggest thing is to learn the basis and get out and practice a whole bunch on known dimension objects. There is a lot of experience based decisions to make when doing miling.

Easier to buy a laser rangefinder, use the mildots as backups.
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