Nightforce NXS 5.5-22x56


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2001
Palmer, Alaska
Just got one finally with the rangefinding NP-R2 reticle.

I mounted it on my Rem700 ADL 300WM for now. It's on a two piece Leopold base with Leopold QR rings. The MK4 rings were 168.00!! I'll wait and see. The scope zeroed bore sighting it at 46moa up and 2moa left. I need a tapored base now for sure. The scope only had about 91 moa total elevation not 100 as advertised, and windage was a little short too.

All said, I'm very happy so far!

I'll be doing some serious testing of the ranging capabilities with this reticle in the near future and will post more results.
Brent why didn't you go with Badger rings about the same price right? What diameter tube do you have on that scope?
Brent & Tex,

I've used Leupold MkIV & Badger rings. Both are great - with the edge to Badger.

I had a set of Leupold QRWs on my 7RUM that sheared a tightening lever recently. By coincidence, it's holding a Nightforce 12-42x56mm with NP1-RR reticle.

I bought a set of 30mm Badger medium highs the next day from Premier Reticles ( for $135.00 & have no complaints.
Texas , they didn't have the Badgers in stock and I'm kinda impulsive sometimes too.

Speedbump, did the mediums give enough height? Sheered off, WOW! Thanks for the heads up. They sure looked tough enough.

The Badgers I bought were 'medium high'. They have low , medium, medium high, & high. The mediums would have been high enough (they have the specs in .001") but I needed a little bit of room for a mirage band under the objective. I also clamped a little bubble level onto the base under the scope to reduce cant - bought it from Brownell's & it works like a charm.

My 'smith had used QRWs on RUMs & 50BMGs, but the cross bolt that the lever tightens is surprisingly small. Since my mishap, I've heard of others with the same malfunction. The MkIVs or Badgers will serve you well, IMHO.

I should clarify: recoil wasn't the culprit. The frequent on/off switching between irons & scope apparently weakened the bolt. It snapped off when tightening by hand.

I'm no gorilla, I like snug/tight, not cranked. As I said, the cross bolt was amazingly small, IMHO.

Consider the Burris 30mm "Signature ZEE" rings. The are high and will clear the objective with a pair of Leupold QRW bases... and you can get the plastic shims to lower the scope, and give you more range.

CatShooter (Loading 178 A-Maxs... hee, hee, hee
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