New Rig


Apr 2, 2009
Queensland Aust.
Hi all,

I'm looking to set up a new LR rig I'm new to the LR shooting I was thinking of a CZ550 varmint in 308 win or a Tikka T3 varmint in 300wsm. Has anyone got any suggestions or other recommendations??
If those are what you are stuck on, then no... those are very good choices. I on the other hand enjoy paying less for more, so I stick with Savage's. I really enjoy the accu-trigger and the quality they offer in accuracy out of the box without extensive gunsmithing. Just my opinion. The mod 12 line of varmint rifles should fit what you are looking for. Good luck on your build. One thing you want to make sure of is getting good glass on your rifle.

Cheers for your opinion I'll have a look at these now. As for glass It is either nightforce or a leopold mark 4.

Excellent glass choices. Here are some suggestions. Don't go buy the suggested retail. I have seen them go for less. The Low Pro Varmint is one of there top model rifles.

Savage Arms Model 12 Varminter Low Profile

Savage Centerfire Hunting Rifle 16FCSAK

Savage Arms Hunter Series Model 11FCNS

Then if there is any other models that you like over these then you can always buy the 308 and have it rechambered for 300 WSM. I originally bought a Low Pro Mod 12 in 308. I had another rifle built in the same caliber and rechambered the Mod. 12 to a 300 WSM. Shoots pretty good so far.

Thanks fella's it's all food for thought I went straight to the Savage site and I like the look of the low pro varminter. Next time I'm home I'll be off to look at some prices. If I did go with a remington however what would be the best base model to start from? The SPS?
Cheers for your opinion I'll have a look at these now. As for glass It is either nightforce or a leopold mark 4.

go for the Nightforce you wont regret spending the extra cash they are the
Dogs Bollocks ( scottish for realy good:D)
Thanks fella's it's all food for thought I went straight to the Savage site and I like the look of the low pro varminter. Next time I'm home I'll be off to look at some prices. If I did go with a remington however what would be the best base model to start from? The SPS?

I won't say it's the best, but my 308 started life as an SPS Varmint. If you go the higher end, the Senderos are very nice.
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