Most consistent cartridge?


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2009
Casa Grande, AZ
I searched and searched the internet, but here's the story:

So a retired friend of mine and I are going to be building me a rifle from the current Rem 700 action I currently posess. He's built many, but this will be my first custom. I am waiting until Wildcat releases their 169.5g 6.5mm bullet again to start the actual build as that's what we're leaning towards.

The cartridge he has fallen in love with is the 6.5-284 and the last one he built consistently shoots Sierra Matchking 142s for 3 shot groups of .111" at 100yds with a 3-5fps (I think) spread in velocity. Generally, this is at just over 2800fps

My question is, in your opinion, what is the most consistent cartridge? Consistency = accuracy all else being the same and I would like to start with the best cartridge that will still have the velocity of LRH on an Elk.

He feels the 284 Win is where it's at, and I don't disagree, but what do you think about something like the 376 Steyr with 7mm bullets or whatever?

I'm wondering what would be- or is- the most consistent burning case available?gun)
I searched and searched the internet, but here's the story:

So a retired friend of mine and I are going to be building me a rifle from the current Rem 700 action I currently posess. He's built many, but this will be my first custom. I am waiting until Wildcat releases their 169.5g 6.5mm bullet again to start the actual build as that's what we're leaning towards.

The cartridge he has fallen in love with is the 6.5-284 and the last one he built consistently shoots Sierra Matchking 142s for 3 shot groups of .111" at 100yds with a 3-5fps (I think) spread in velocity. Generally, this is at just over 2800fps

My question is, in your opinion, what is the most consistent cartridge? Consistency = accuracy all else being the same and I would like to start with the best cartridge that will still have the velocity of LRH on an Elk.

He feels the 284 Win is where it's at, and I don't disagree, but what do you think about something like the 376 Steyr with 7mm bullets or whatever?

I'm wondering what would be- or is- the most consistent burning case available?gun)

This post will probably get Lot's of replies but I will give my opinion anyway.

I feel that there are many great cartriges that if put together by a competent smith and with
a great bullet,powder,primer and good loading practice that the playing field will be level and
will produce a very consistant cartridge.

I use to hear the term inherently accurate when some cartriges were spoken about and there may be a tendency to be a little easier to find a good load for but I'm not convinced that there
is a one best cartridge .

The biggest thing that I have found that effects accuracy and consistency is the barrel size and quality. There is no substitute for a good barrel.

The best smith in the world can't make a crummy barreled weapon shoot with extreme accuracy!!

Over my many years of shooting and hunting I have seen some of the most unlikely rifles/pistols
do some amazing things and some of the most popular ones fail miserably because of a poor

Of all the accurate rifles/pistols that I have and do own the best group and lowest SDs came out
of a 416 with a 400gr bullet (.031 and a SD of 3) and it is not a fluke because it will repeat this performance over and over. "Go Figure".

There are rifles that are best suited for a particular task and that is what I would look for and have all of the best parts put together by a good smith and you will be happy with the outcome.

Just my opinion.

J E gives some good words or wisdom and I agree with him on there probably not being a one best cartridge. There are for sure a lot of favorites that will probably get thrown at you. The 6.5x284 is a great cartridge and is at the top of the pile for LR target shooting. For elk at LR I'd probably go with the 7mmRemMag or the .300WinMag. Those are, by the way, two of my favorite. :) JohnnyK.
I pretty much agree with JE.

I will add my .02

Cartridges as a whole will have good consistency potential. It boils down to finding a powder with the right burn rate for A: a particular caliber and B: an idavidual barrel. It also takes reloading supplies of EXTREEME quality and consistency to equate to small extreeme velocity spreads. IMHO barrel harmonics often times out weigh super small extreeme spreads as long as the ES isnt rediculously high. Consistency comes from good reloading practices AND finding the right load in the first place. This is where always shooting over a chrony comes into play during testing sessions.

Another things that contribute to a lack of consistency is barrel wear. In some cases when a cartridge is hard on a barrel and the barrel is changing seemingly every week it can be VERY hard to find any real consistency. The 6.5x284 ballistically is very awesome. The barrel life and wear sucks. Not trying to steer you away from it just understand there could be some barrel wear/consistency issues over the life of the barrel. All barrels change. Some change faster than others due to the caliber choice.

You've gotten some very sound advice from some very wise people, the only thing I can think to add is this. Pick something you can afford to shoot.....alot. All the best components put together by the best smith in the world is little better than a factory rig if you only take it out a few times a year. It's like giving a weekend hacker a set of Pings, won't do all that much for his golf game.

Of all the accurate rifles/pistols that I have and do own the best group and lowest SDs came out
of a 416 with a 400gr bullet (.031 and a SD of 3) and it is not a fluke because it will repeat this performance over and over. "Go Figure".
Sorry for the double post, but that great! Is that a .416 Barrett?
i think in the end, it comes down to a sum of all the parts. the cartridge is just 1 small factor.

the finger on the trigger being a big factor...
Sorry for the double post, but that great! Is that a .416 Barrett?

No .
It is a 375/416 RUM wild cat called a 416 buff, On a 700 Remington action fully blue printed
with a 26" #8 tapered 1 in 14 twist shilen select match and an AI laminated stock.

I have 4 hunting rifles that shoot under 1/10 of an inch MOA and this beast beat them all.

The other rifles are two 7/08s,a 7 WSM and a 30/378 . The 7/08s are known for there
accuracy and the 7 WSMs are gaining a great reputation . The 30/378 is another example
of a unlikely shooter with lots of free bore.

So as said earlier chose the best cartridge for the job and enjoy.

Since we are all throwing in our favorites. i will campain my favorite the 280Ackly Improved, i have used this for everything from whitetail at 3yrds to elk at 735yrds it has performed flawlessly, it will tickle the lower edge of the 7mmRemMag with all loads with less powder, is very efficent, low recoil and i can make my brass by fireing factiory 280rem loads in it, plus if all else fails and i need ammo bad i can use factory ammo in it. but i also love my 30-378wby and my 338Lapua's. but that is the great thing about this country we can all have as many and what we really want, plus if they dont make it you can build it. just my .02 cents but look at the 280AI i think you will be suprised.
I think we kind of got off topic. I guess the question is: has there been a cartridge that is inherently more consistent or burns more consistent repeatedly proven? This is not necessarily a what shoots good, I'm just looking for a repeatable performance, as long as I do my part in hand loading repetition. Has anyone looked at case burning consistency?
I get great consistency of 8fps in my 300WSM. This is another caliber that has become quite prominent in the long range market. Another vote for the 7WSM, but some for burn rate consistency, and accuracy are using the 300WSM casing necked to a 7mm due to its longer neck. The sharper shoulder of the short magnums are proving to be very consistent in burn rate and accuracy.

See, that's the kind of reply I'm looking for, same goes for that 284. Not quite Ackley, but close at 35* shoulder and straight sides.

What else?
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