Mass Shootings - Why?

You mean the self proclaimed militias which are really just a bunch of people running through the woods playing war while fantasizing about race wars and overthrowing the government.

No Jim. Just where do you get your thinking from. Never mind. I think we know the answer.
By the way. You didn't answer the ?
But your avoidance answered for you.
It seems you're baiting to see how many you can get kicked out of here, for saying it like you are.
You have a nice life. And remember keep your guns. The day is coming they will need them.
The Bible tells you to arm yourself.

Ps, the 2A is clear. "Shall not be infringed." Pretty much sums it up.
Maybe people just think murdering children is horrible unless you are suggesting the government programmed the kid and sent him out to do that.
I should've left off that last sentence because no, that's not what I believe happened.
Our conversation was more geared towards the Russian collusian and other distractions.
It just happened that we had that conversation a day or two before the shooting.
Would you say abortions is killing children?
That would depend on the stage of pregnancy. The majority of abortions are not. The majority of the rest are a result of a medical necessity. My brother is a church going conservative doctor. He told me that based on his religion he should be against abortions but based on his profession, he should not. He has been a doctor for 30 years now and he is pro choice.
That would depend on the stage of pregnancy. The majority of abortions are not. The majority of the rest are a result of a medical necessity. My brother is a church going conservative doctor. He told me that based on his religion he should be against abortions but based on his profession, he should not. He has been a doctor for 30 years now and he is pro choice.
No Jim. Just where do you get your thinking from. Never mind. I think we know the answer.
By the way. You didn't answer the ?
But your avoidance answered for you.
It seems you're baiting to see how many you can get kicked out of here, for saying it like you are.
You have a nice life. And remember keep your guns. The day is coming they will need them.
The Bible tells you to arm yourself.

Ps, the 2A is clear. "Shall not be infringed." Pretty much sums it up.
Didn't some of those militia get thrown in prison for storming the capitol?

Who I voted for is none of your business. I bet you can guess who I didn't vote for which is also none of your business.

There is no attempt on my part to get people banned and I am not aware of anyone who got banned because of some response to something I said. When people get banned, they are responsible for their own actions. I think people are used to other websites that have few if any rules that are actually enforced and they think they can get away with the same thing here. This forum is a little classier than the rest which is why I support it by being a paying member.

I have no intention of getting rid of my guns. Apparently, you are confused. Its ok. I often confuse strict party liners on both sides. I can't help it, its my nature to analyze and question and people hate to be questioned.
That would depend on the stage of pregnancy. The majority of abortions are not. The majority of the rest are a result of a medical necessity. My brother is a church going conservative doctor. He told me that based on his religion he should be against abortions but based on his profession, he should not. He has been a doctor for 30 years now and he is pro choice.
That opens up a whole new can of worms on the ethical side. So I'll keep this impersonal. Let's say 25% of abortions are on the side of killing a child. It's premeditated because you have to plan it out. On average there are a million abortions in the US per year. 25% would come out to around 250,000 abortions or killing of children per year. Far more than all firearms deaths including murders, suicides, homicides, and accidental deaths. Almost 10 times the amount.
So my argument is if children's lives, or people's lives for that matter, are what's important than then changing gun laws towards more restriction isn't the answer. The answer is allowing the citizens to better protect themselves no matter where they are. And penalize the criminals especially if they are repeat offenders. The police do the best they can for protecting the community at whole. But they cannot be everywhere and usually come after the crime is commited. So it only makes sense to allow people to arm themselves against attacks.
So my argument is if children's lives, or people's lives for that matter, are what's important than then changing gun laws towards more restriction isn't the answer. The answer is allowing the citizens to better protect themselves no matter where they are. And penalize the criminals especially if they are repeat offenders. The police do the best they can for protecting the community at whole. But they cannot be everywhere and usually come after the crime is commited. So it only makes sense to allow people to arm themselves against attacks.
Along the same line, if giving everyone a gun isn't going to make it all go away, why give anyone a gun? You are looking for a single solution to fix all the issues. Each issue needs to be addressed separately. In reality, each issue needs to be broken down into smaller issues which need to be addressed separately.
There are two ways to amend the constitution according to Article V. The people saying I would be ok with this or that gun control measure should write their senators and congressmen to get it out there for a vote. It doesnt matter what you would be ok with. Its what the country as a whole is ok with. Saying the constitution is outdated is one of the most stupid progressive arguments I have heard (and there are many). If it is outdated amend it. The steps are in the constitution spelled out easy to understand just like the amendments to the constitution if you have a 5th or 6th grade reading level. It will never happen. Why? Because the politicians know they will no longer be in office and it would never make it all the way through the process. Why? Because overall it is not as popular as some day it is. People saying most people, everyone, the majority of people, the American people, etc. want this or that is BS. How does anyone know what "most" people want? The polls? That has not worked out well in the past. I have not heard one politician yet say let's amend the constitution so we can pass gun laws. They want to just chip away at it every chance they get. In NY for example they passed more gun laws after Sandy Hook. It's Goin to save lives claimed the sexual harrasser Cuomo. Then the Buffalo shooting happens and they start screaming and passing more laws that will do nothing to stop the problem which is people not guns.

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