Mass Shootings - Why?

You know I have a personal friend who was in that crowd at Vegas; known him since he was little; in his 30s now. Helped drag people to safety. He told his dad there was gunfire coming from more than one direction. Dad, said must have been an echo. He said no, I saw muzzle flashes and saw folks being hit from different directions.
And boy did that story disappear quickly.

And, like ButterBean, I question a kid working part time at Wendy's buying DD rifles complete with Eotech and 1600 rds ammo + mags.

Something is fishy here. Why don't we know the answer to this question?

Also, why don't we know how the Vegas guy got all that stuff into a hotel room?

I have no idea on either, but it seems no one is interested.
All those questions will likely never be answered.
Someone had to front that kid to have that arsenal. But no the govement surly wouldn't do that. 🙄
And elections are coming up. How convenient.
Good thing your friend didn't push the issue. Wouldn't of been healthy for him. It wasn't for the others.
Think about two Countries. First Ukraine. After the invasion they called up EVERY male in the country to help defend it. They have been doing their best and have done a good job holding them off, against all odds they may even win. Those boys are not only defending their homeland, they are defending their families and their way of life.
Now move to Hong Kong. All they had were bows and arrows and home make gas bombs when the Chinese invaded them. The Chinese made short work of rounding up and executing the traitors. This could easily happen here, and it could happen sooner rather than later. You are the Militia, like it or not and could be pressed into duty under this same scenario. Yes guns are fun. They are only a Hobby for me too. But it is a Hobby that not only gives great satisfaction, it also creates the skills needed in a crisis by default. This is why other Countries fear us so much and the mainland has never been invaded IMO, but it does not mean it cannot happen. If you are well armed, and skilled at least you have a chance. If we were disarmed somehow, this deterrent to other countries would vanish IMO. Here comes the tinfoil. The Chinese seem to have a lot of Political influence in this country lately. Makes you wonder the motives of those who would commit Treason to disarm us. Think long and hard about all this.

I believe if we were disarmed, china would be in here in a heart beat.
Recently, a friend and I had a conversation about how it seems like whenever there is some really bad stuff going on, there is always a big event like what happened in Texas to divert everyones attention.
What is it that "they" dont want us thinking about?
"2000 mules",,,,,
Recently, a friend and I had a conversation about how it seems like whenever there is some really bad stuff going on, there is always a big event like what happened in Texas to divert everyones attention.
What is it that "they" dont want us thinking about?
I took off my tinfoil hat avatar but I'll bite. Jaime Diamond and Elon Musk have made statements this week that they feel the economy is near a serious down turn. President Biden has a trip to Saudi Arabia next week to discuss ramping up oil production. I see oil production, or the lack of it, as a huge problem tied to inflation and Russia/ China aggression. Hurricane season is coming. Imagine if one more oil refinery gets knock off line due to a hurricane. TGIF!!!
Jim, if you wanted to attack a country, would you rather have your Military face 500,00 guys concentrated in places you could get the majority with Nukes, or 300,000,000 armed with small arms, 12T rounds of ammo and spread out over 1,000s of square miles. I'd take my chances against the Military. today we are much more than a force multiplier. We are a deterrent. You are a deterrent.
Seems like Jim has made up his mine that Govt is his friend, no amount of reasoning will sway him.
Recently, a friend and I had a conversation about how it seems like whenever there is some really bad stuff going on, there is always a big event like what happened in Texas to divert everyones attention.
What is it that "they" dont want us thinking about?
the white house press corps has a full time job trying to deflect blame away from biden and keep him from going off script. if you had your head buried in the sand and believed democrats when they said they just wanted to ban AR's, you had brandon open his mouth over the weekend saying that you dont need 9mm pistols either. they want all the guns folks. a few of the die hard lefties will actually say it these days. you cannot have total control over the people unless they are disarmed. every dictator in the last century has done it under the premise of it being for your safety.
When you favor bans and changing the 2nd amendment, how would you expect others to think different.
I never actually came out in favor of bans and I suggested the 2nd amendment be changed to reflect the way that everyone seems to interpret it. If that were to occur then there would never be a question over its interpretation. Its interpretation has probably been argued for the last 90 years or so since the first gun control bill was passed and will continue to be debated well into the future. The next time a 2nd amendment issue comes up before the supreme court, it may not go the way you want. That all being said, the 2nd amendment will never be changed.
I never actually came out in favor of bans and I suggested the 2nd amendment be changed to reflect the way that everyone seems to interpret it. If that were to occur then there would never be a question over its interpretation. Its interpretation has probably been argued for the last 90 years or so since the first gun control bill was passed and will continue to be debated well into the future. The next time a 2nd amendment issue comes up before the supreme court, it may not go the way you want. That all being said, the 2nd amendment will never be changed.
Never say never. Food for thought, once one amendment is changed the others are up for interpretation.
Recently, a friend and I had a conversation about how it seems like whenever there is some really bad stuff going on, there is always a big event like what happened in Texas to divert everyones attention.
What is it that "they" dont want us thinking about?
Maybe people just think murdering children is horrible unless you are suggesting the government programmed the kid and sent him out to do that.
the white house press corps has a full time job trying to deflect blame away from biden and keep him from going off script. if you had your head buried in the sand and believed democrats when they said they just wanted to ban AR's, you had brandon open his mouth over the weekend saying that you dont need 9mm pistols either. they want all the guns folks. a few of the die hard lefties will actually say it these days. you cannot have total control over the people unless they are disarmed. every dictator in the last century has done it under the premise of it being for your safety.
AR15's look evil and get the publicity with these mass shootings. Even if they aren't being used they sometimes get "mistakenly" mention early on during some reports and then retracted. Handguns are more often used since they are easily concealed. So in my mind AR15's are just a pathway towards more firearm restrictions. I'm old enough to remember when handgun restrictions was the main anti 2A talk.
Maybe people just think murdering children is horrible unless you are suggesting the government programmed the kid and sent him out to do that.
after seeing what happened in 2015-6 with the russia hoax and trump dossier, i wouldnt put anything past our elected officials. there may not be a larger group of corrupt, slimy, sleezy, greedy and inept people in the world.
Jim, there are many, many militias in this country. Just because you know nothing about what you're saying,doesn't make it so.
And now you think the 2nd amendment should be diluted.
You a biden fan, aren't you???
You mean the self proclaimed militias which are really just a bunch of people running through the woods playing war while fantasizing about race wars and overthrowing the government.

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