Mass Shootings - Why?

Each issue needs to be addressed separately. In reality, each issue needs to be broken down into smaller issues which need to be addressed separately.
This makes it easier for the anti 2A crowd to chip away at it. Give an inch, they will take a mile every time.
This is the slippery slope that never ends.
"The Right to Keep & Bear Arms shall not be infringed" is as plain as it gets, no room for ambiguity what so ever, except from those that wish to do away with it.
It does not need updating/modifying in any way, it only needs to be respected as intended & written .(which is quite clear, if anyone reading it does not twist it to their liking.)
Brandon wants all the guns.....not just some of them, make no mistake, do not be gullible & naïve.
This makes it easier for the anti 2A crowd to chip away at it. Give an inch, they will take a mile every time.
This is the slippery slope that never ends.
"The Right to Keep & Bear Arms shall not be infringed" is as plain as it gets, no room for ambiguity what so ever, except from those that wish to do away with it.
It does not need updating/modifying in any way, it only needs to be respected as intended & written .(which is quite clear, if anyone reading it does not twist it to their liking.)
Brandon wants all the guns.....not just some of them, make no mistake, do not be gullible & naïve.
You left out the first half of the 2nd amendment. How do you determine which half is valid and which half isn't?
Still can't answer a question.

Along the same line, if giving everyone a gun isn't going to make it all go away, why give anyone a gun? You are looking for a single solution to fix all the issues. Each issue needs to be addressed separately. In reality, each issue needs to be broken down into smaller issues which need to be addressed separately.
I did break it down to smaller issues. In any case I doubt you'll convince anyone here towards your opinion. I'll waste no more time on this. My stance to decrease crime and mass shooting is make it easier to have law abiding citizens arm themselves. Reverse the recent trend of releasing criminals from prison. Actually enforce our current laws. And give criminals, especially repeat offenders their prison time as specified by our laws.
I did break it down to smaller issues. In any case I doubt you'll convince anyone here towards your opinion. I'll waste no more time on this. My stance to decrease crime and mass shooting is make it easier to have law abiding citizens arm themselves. Reverse the recent trend of releasing criminals from prison. Actually enforce our current laws. And give criminals, especially repeat offenders their prison time as specified by our laws.
I don't expect to convince you or anyone else on here towards my opinion. I hope you aren't too disappointed that you did not convince me of yours. I do think some on here share some of my opinions which we happen to disagree on. As someone else said yesterday who also does not agree with me on pretty much everything, "It keeps everyone stimulated and thinking. That promotes reasoned and thoughtful discourse.". I have accomplished what I started out to do.
I don't expect to convince you or anyone else on here towards my opinion. I hope you aren't too disappointed that you did not convince me of yours. I do think some on here share some of my opinions which we happen to disagree on. As someone else said yesterday who also does not agree with me on pretty much everything, "It keeps everyone stimulated and thinking. That promotes reasoned and thoughtful discourse.". I have accomplished what I started out to do.
No I expected as much. I was surprised at the admittance that abortion does kill children, though you claim the majority don't depending on stage of pregnancy.
Even the President says abort a child.

"He said, "I mean, so the idea that we're going to make a judgment that is going to say no one can make a judgment to choose to abort a child based upon a decision by the Supreme Courts, I think goes way overboard.""

Supports my argument that abortions are killing children.
If you answer the question that I asked you then you will have my answer. Its not really that complicated. I have faith that you are smart enough to figure it out. Is there a reason for your question?
Let me help you out on this buddy.

Your statement-
When people get banned, they are responsible for their own actions.
I asked the question-
Is this true for murderers?
You then asked the question-
Did I ever say otherwise?

In the first quoted text you made a statement. How I know this is you ended the sentence with a period. Then I asked you a question. You should have known this if you had more than a first grade because it ends in a question mark. In case you are better with illustrations this is a question mark.❓️ You then asked me another question. Again this is a question mark for your reference. ❓️ Now I am not sure what age I was but I was very young when I was taught you can't answer a question with a question. I don't believe this is outdated but I could be wrong. Whatever this age was must have been around the time that your education came to a halt.