How's the wolf hunting going for ya'all?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2013
Meridian, Idaho
Finally got out and checked on a pack that has been moving through a ranch I have access to. Rancher called me and said they were at his place Wednesday AM. I went up Thursday AM. Seems like they just push and bounce out. I also think I have them patterned but time will tell. On another note, I was sure I had a wolf in my sights that morning and well, it wound up being a yote. It was 1370 took me 2.5 hours to get to it and found no tell tale sign of hit or miss, so I will chaulk it up to lead in the air only.

Hit it hard guys. I am going to try and do the same. I have 3 rifles in the shop right now to build as well so will get out when I can.


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I dug out the snow shoes this weekend. It was hard work and I was not rewarded with a wolf. They came back through at night and pushed the elk herd out of the area I was hunting. Got up as high as my legs would carry me and all my crap and was not able to locate the elk. Wolf tracks every where though. Hunted a different area Sunday, my old stomping and ran into a bunch more tracks and decent cat track. I must not be very good at this game. Oh well, it is still fun getting out of the house.
I haven't had a chance to go this winter. My wife had surgery and I am still needed to do the chores. Group I hunt with got one the other day and another friend had a misfire at 50 yds. Don't know the problem but I would bet grease in firing pin spring. Not much luck in these parts.
The hard snow is killin me! My wolves went back to a big block of private wolf lover property, closed wildlife management areas, and Yellowstone. The bison hunts are on and buffalo gut piles make big food source for mutts of all sizes! On top of that, I had sick kids and a trip to vegas! Now I am sitting at home, and working in my shop waiting for my NF SHV scope that the UPS tried to drop off 2 times while nobody was home! Ten days of over 40 degree weather and high winds on the future cast!

Is there only three people hunting mutts? Or do we have a pile of secret keepers? I am over the threats on me and my family from the fuzzy lovers, I am going back to talking about my adventures!
I just noticed that the MOA lines in my scope are showing that dog to be about 1.75 MOA tall at 1370 yards. I suppose that doing the math that dog stands about 24" tall.

I kinda had a duh moment right now. When I first looked that dog over I was thinking small wolf, and since there were wolf tracks every, I concluded it was. After studying the features the best I could for a min or 2 I figured large yote. I could have ended the debate pretty easily by using my scope to determine height of the target. Yeah, I know DUH! Ha ha. I tend to get fixated : )
Hunted the Gallatin s on Friday. Saw lots of elk and moose. Didn't cut a single wolf track in 8 miles. Only saw four coyote tracks. At least it was nice and sunny with no wind.
Hunted the Gallatin s on Friday. Saw lots of elk and moose. Didn't cut a single wolf track in 8 miles. Only saw four coyote tracks. At least it was nice and sunny with no wind.
Where are you located? I have a friend that cleans up on the dogs in south Gallatin near the park.
My little part of Paradise valley is dead!
Hunted the north part of the Gallatin. Didn't feel like going all the way down by taylors fork. Probably would of been a better choice though. Next time.
Finally knocked one down in Unit 6 in Idaho Panhandle, just outside Clarkia.....they are just plain and simple destroying our hunting up here!! They came into my cow calls and shot this one at 25 yards....after I shot two more on either side of me took off. Never had a clue they were there until I caught movement.


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Finally knocked one down in Unit 6 in Idaho Panhandle, just outside Clarkia.....they are just plain and simple destroying our hunting up here!! They came into my cow calls and shot this one at 25 yards....after I shot two more on either side of me took off. Never had a clue they were there until I caught movement.
Nice dead wolf! Was is while bow hunting?
We heard them and had fresh sign everyday during archery, but this was on the second day of rifle......needless to say the 300 RUM put a hurting on her....:)
She wolf none the less you are the Man! Did you know they were there this day, by sight or howling, and did they get vocal after you shot?

Keep saving elk one wolf at a time!
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