First long range session


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2012
bend or.
I've been developing a load for my 300 weatherby for a month now and finally nailed it down last weekend. Went out today to zero at 100 then shot 300, 500, 800 and 1010 yards. 300 and 500 were dead center, 800 was a 5" group top of the paint and 1010 was 2 shots, center paint vertical and 10" apart horizontal. To say I'm happy would be an understatement. I'm sure with more trigger time the groups will improve.


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thanks guys. the elr bug bit the **** out of me. right now I can dial 12.1 mils and hold over up to 7 which gives me 19.1. I need 17.1 for 1 mile. thats my goal this year is to get repeatable shots on steel at 1 mile.
Assuming you are handloading, I think you have found your load. They is done mighty fine shooting, dead nuts at your distances.
And that winny, is sweeettt!
That rifle was made, when both, Winchester, and Remington, where both putting out some great shooters.
I have a winny, m70, in seven mag, which was a Wal-Mart gun, I believe, and it shoots out lites.
Great shooting!
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