ELD-M vs Berger


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
I know the Berger fan boys think the VLD is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and swear every other bullet in the world has false BC values.

The ELD's seem like they are hugely popular, so I want to know from the guys that have shot them to 1000 yards and beyond. Does the BC seem to be accurate with your actual shots. In other words, do the Ballistic charts line up with your experiences?

I had Bergers for my other 300 RUM. The tip of every bullet was deformed, and all in different ways. That can not help its BC.
I know the Berger fan boys think the VLD is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and swear every other bullet in the world has false BC values.

The ELD's seem like they are hugely popular, so I want to know from the guys that have shot them to 1000 yards and beyond. Does the BC seem to be accurate with your actual shots. In other words, do the Ballistic charts line up with your experiences?

I had Bergers for my other 300 RUM. The tip of every bullet was deformed, and all in different ways. That can not help its BC.
I've shot a few different eldms 147s, 180s, and 225s
The bcs have matched my drops with all of them out to 1200.
I don't use them anymore because they're inconsistent on game, and the bullets themselves had too much variation in base to ogive length.
Bergers seem to shoot more consistent and accurate in every rifle I've used them in.
After trying other bullets I'll be going back to Bergers for all my long range hunting.
I shoot hornady, Berger and Nosler depending on rifle. Berger’s bullet consistency is, IMO, much more consistent across the board. Hornady is hit or miss and I’ve really had to watch lot numbers at times. I can also say I’ve had to true the BC more with Hornady than I have with Berger but it wasn’t anything crazy.

The 147's would foul really bad and groups opened up after about 25 shots until I cleaned it then they were good for another 25 shots. The barrel shoots other bullets fine and didn't have this problem. Stuck with the berger 140's
Only used the 140M’s and the BC has been correct. As other Said Berger’s are more uniform. I like the Berger EH the best. They seem to be more consistent as a hunting bullet than the VLD but that’s coming from a small sample size.

I always try hornady EDLX and M in new rifles since they are cheaper and “were” more available than Berger’s. So far I’m 1 rifle would shoot the M’s and 3 that won’t shoot the X’s
All great replies! Exactly what I was wanting to see. Ive got the 212, 220, and 225s because its what I was able to get right now. I'm just starting in the long game, so I'm learning.

Will my 1:10 shoot a 230 Berger?
Tey the Berger Twist Rate Stability Calculator

Stay safe
My old Sendero .300 RUM, I loaded a middle power load with 210 Bergers. 5 shots were right at 1/2", and the load was just a guess. So I'm not a Berger hater.

I think I'm going to order some hunting 210 VLD and try that middle load again.
I'm having a barrel made for my 30-06 and the barrel maker was insistent That we increase the twist, 1-10 twist in the 30-06 is just about standard and has a great range of bullets it will shoot well. His point was that bullets are getting longer, if not heavier. and that with the longer bullet, increased twist would be a great help in shooting them accurately. So on this barrel I'm going to go 1-9 and if that shows promise maybe 1-8 in the future.
My old Sendero .300 RUM, I loaded a middle power load with 210 Bergers. 5 shots were right at 1/2", and the load was just a guess. So I'm not a Berger hater.

I think I'm going to order some hunting 210 VLD and try that middle load again.

I'd say do it. I just started shooting the 180gr VLDH on my Rem 700 in 7mm Rem Mag, with a 1 in 9.25 twist and although Berger recommends a 1 in 9 it still stabilized them and grouped half MOA so far, and I'm still playing with them.

The ones you have already will be stable, if I were you I'd let em rip Sir and have some fun.
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