Dogs for Hogs??

Generally **** poor.....

Good to have one in a pack as a 'catch' dog.

A single pit wouldn't be able to find his own hind end, me thinks.

My only experience is with Catahoulas. And it wasn't all that much fun. Way too close and personal for this old man.:D
The guys around here use just about everything. One thing they do say though is not to get attached to the dogs because they don't last long even with vests.
I be thinking a pit would latch on and not let go, even when they're getting stomped into the ground and their guts are getting tore out by those tusks.

At least some other dogs have the sense to back out and get back in again when the opportunity arises and things are more in their favor.

Just my opinion, but most pits I've been around are extremely (almost stupidly) stubborn.............or courageous, however you wanna look at it.:)
Down here every one uses curs and catahouls as bay dogs anywhere from 2 to 10 generally the more the better as long as they work well together. When they have a hog bayed the pits will be released, usually 2 or more and once they catch ear they won't let go even after hog is dead. Their mouths have have to be pryed off with pvc or if your not keeping the hog you can just cut off the ear. And yes they go through a lot of catch dogs that get injured and killed.
Years ago, I watched videos of hog hunting and the guys did use pits to catch. The regulars, had special made vests for their pits, that were worn by the dogs to keep the hogs tusks from penetrating into their chests. The pits could stay on a hog longer and the vests also reduced the dog deaths. A full blooded pit can be controlled much like a dog of any other breed. It is the inbreds and mixed that can't be controlled as well.
The L3 Outdoors , one of the trapper group for Hogs Gone Wild, uses all kinds of breeds and seems to be very effective.

Riddick - is a four year old registered Boarhound.

Wolfgang - is a Irish Wolfhound Scottish Deerhound cross.

Roo - is a Staghound cross.

Harly - is a 10 month old registered Boarhound.

Ammo - is a BullMastiff/Black Mouth Cur cross.

Cutty Sark - is a three year old female Wolfhound/Deerhound.

MacGregor - is a 11 month old Wolfhound/Deerhound.

Glenfiddich - is a 10 month old Wolfhound/Deerhound.

BTW, looks like they name most of them after Scotch. :)
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Back when we were lousy with hogs, I use Boarder Collies and McNabs, quick short range dogs to track and bay. Never used a Pit Bull and would never.
Got rid of over 500 hunderd hogs since the mid 1974's with bay dogs, never more than three on a hunt. Usually just one. My two cents worth.
Here's a few extra breeds to google that are similar to the catahoula:

Black mouth cur

Texas blue lacy

Both these breeds tend to be smaller and quicker. Generally used for tracking and baying pigs. They have great-to-good noses, are very fast and nimble, and they can easily move through the thick stuff where pigs like to hide. also has some great videos of these dogs baying pigs in the pen for training and competition.
Find a local guide and see if he has a litter. They have tried and true dogs. The trick is training 'em, armoring 'em up, and then stitching 'em up later!
A full blooded pit can be controlled much like a dog of any other breed. It is the inbreds and mixed that can't be controlled as well.

Full blooded, inbred, or mixed, if a dog isnt trained properly they wont obey. Proper training is what makes a dog listen and do what you ask.
My son-in-law runs different breeds. I haven't talked to him about why he owns the dogs he has. I think that he has some pit and pit cross. I never go back to the kennels. They make too much noise lol His retired dogs get to hang out on th4e porch with his two boys so they aren't mean dogs.

There'll be posts about his dogs on his FB page:

He's been hunting hogs with dogs since early high school. He's in his early 30's now. Message him, I'll bet he'll answer.

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