colorado elk hunt


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2019
south dakota
i am wondering where i should go in Colorado elk hunt next year because i am getting a youth tag for Colorado. I will be 16 and was wondering what is the best public unit to hunt is best? because we are traveling from South Dakota to Colorado! This will be my first ever elk hunt and want to make it a great hunt and actually get an elk for the freezer
So any info will be great
Take a look at the harvest statistics and elk concentration areas on the Colorado Parks and Wildlife site.
Hint - the herds around Meeker and Craig amount to 10s of thousands of Elk.
OTC is available to almost anyone who wants to buy one, draw tags are only available through the draw and often take preference points to get them--you are not guaranteed to get one as its a draw
you might want to go to this web page and start reading the regs, application procedures, pricing, pre-requisites, prior year stats, etc. Check out the interactive maps that show concentrations, migration patterns etc and also the prior year harvest and tag stats.

here is where you should start your search:

Good luck
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Do your research, pick a unit, put in for 1st rifle season either sex tag. Come out and hunt, if you don't get an elk you can hunt any rifle season for the rest of the year even late season for that same unit. After hunting the season you drew for, you go to any CDW and have your tag signed and you can shoot a cow until the last open season. That's the best thing about youth tags.
Few bits of advice
1. Be in shape
2. Be able to shoot to at least 300 yards. 400-500 is better
3. Do your homework. Call CPW after you’ve narrowed down a few units using the statistics page on cpw website and deciding on whether you’re looking for a hunt where you stay in a hotel, a comfy tent or camper or living out of a backpack.
4. Try to get a draw tag. I like 1st and 4th rifle seasons. Either sex Tags will be best.
5. Work hard. Sometimes killing a public land elk comes down to how bad do you want it.
Take a look at the harvest statistics and elk concentration areas on the Colorado Parks and Wildlife site.
Hint - the herds around Meeker and Craig amount to 10s of thousands of Elk.

ShtrRdy is right, I used to hunt Area 34 s/se of Meeker. Steep country, great hunting.
Where in SD do you live? I'm in piedmont just north of rapid city. Who is going to take you on this elk hunt? Have they ever hunted elk in CO? I've hunted over the counter 2nd rifle season and it was not easy hunting at all. Nothing like hunting in SD. The only way you are guaranteed to get a tag next year is to buy an over the counter tag. There are lots of different opinions on which season to hunt and if you are lucky it can work well in either 2nd or 3rd rifle season. 1st rifle season is draw only and without any preference points you won't get a tag. Your best bet is to hire a guide or pay an outfitter to take you to a place where the elk are. It's hard to scout for elk when you live in the same area, but internet scouting is more like wishful thinking than anything else. If you are interested in hearing about my Colorado elk hunting experience send me a pm.
Where in SD do you live? I'm in piedmont just north of rapid city. Who is going to take you on this elk hunt? Have they ever hunted elk in CO? I've hunted over the counter 2nd rifle season and it was not easy hunting at all. Nothing like hunting in SD. The only way you are guaranteed to get a tag next year is to buy an over the counter tag. There are lots of different opinions on which season to hunt and if you are lucky it can work well in either 2nd or 3rd rifle season. 1st rifle season is draw only and without any preference points you won't get a tag. Your best bet is to hire a guide or pay an outfitter to take you to a place where the elk are. It's hard to scout for elk when you live in the same area, but internet scouting is more like wishful thinking than anything else. If you are interested in hearing about my Colorado elk hunting experience send me a pm.
It's different for youth, my boys have got 1st or 4th season elk tag every year with no points. But it does remind me, you need to pick three units to apply for 1st,2nd,3rd choice. You are almost guaranteed to draw one as a youth.
Few bits of advice
1. Be in shape
2. Be able to shoot to at least 300 yards. 400-500 is better
3. Do your homework. Call CPW after you’ve narrowed down a few units using the statistics page on cpw website and deciding on whether you’re looking for a hunt where you stay in a hotel, a comfy tent or camper or living out of a backpack.
4. Try to get a draw tag. I like 1st and 4th rifle seasons. Either sex Tags will be best.
5. Work hard. Sometimes killing a public land elk comes down to how bad do you want it.
i can shoot 300 yard pretty easy
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