Yup, that is what I'm talking about
If you look at the barrel makers acceptance criteria he will have an end to end tolerance.
Most premium barrels that I use are guaranteed to be uniform dimensionally to within .0001
and .0002 for Chrome Molly barrels. contours can be off on the outside by .000 to .005 (Industry
standard acceptance)from end to end. Any more than this should be rejected and sent back to the barrel maker.
I have had premium barrels go as high as .014 end to end and sent them back with no problems.
Some factory barrels have had to be re-contoured to true them up. most are bore straightened
after all work is done leaving the outside with run out because it was contoured while the bore
was still as drilled and rifled.
My preferred barrel makers barrels are normally .0000 to .0015 max.
I have heard of this Barrel orientation thing because of barrels not being straight, but have never
kept one that needed any special orientation due to being crooked/bent.
So , If the barrel is straight and true to the bore , there is no special requirement for orientation.
Some barrel manufacturers tolerances are more generous and may go up as high as .005 to .007
and I just prefer not to use them.
In My opinion : If you have to do something special to a barrel because of it's straightness it needs
to be rejected and sent back.