Anyone Tried a Tipi style tent with ultralight stove?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2012
Rapid City SD
I'm planning a back country elk hunt for 2020 in Oregon with a buddy who is moving there. I don't like freezing while I try to sleep and I have become intrigued by these new ultralight Tipi tents with small titanium wood burning stoves. I think this could really enhance my hunting experience by making rest and recovery much better and giving energy for the next day's hunt. I'd love to hear any experiences and recommendations!


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Make sure that you get one big enough. you might get 2 men in a 6 man tent.
the only place you can stand up in right at the pole and the stove is there. I also recommend a liner.
Are you back backing everything in or truck camping?
Make sure that you get one big enough. you might get 2 men in a 6 man tent.
the only place you can stand up in right at the pole and the stove is there. I also recommend a liner.
Are you back backing everything in or truck camping?
We will be packing everything in on our backs. I figured the sizes were a little "optimistic."
A friend has a Seek Outside 6 man tipi and it's amazing for two guys, during spring bear we camped out of the truck in it and had two large cots, two large gear storage containers, coolers, all our gear and a titanium stove. It has a liner which was awesome, no interior condensation and good air flow without chilling the interior air.
It's easily packable for two guys into the back country.
I'm going with a the 4 person for a sheep hunt a couple of us are doing. That'll be plenty of room for us and out gear and be real comfortable.
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Have used the tipi and wood stove combo quite a bit. It is very nice to have a place to warm up and dry things out. They are light enough and pack down small enough that they are fairly easy to pack. Having a liner is a very good idea. They do tend to sweat pretty bad. For 2 people, gear and wood stove you would probably want at least a 4 person tipi and more room isn't never a bad thing. The wood stove (or at least mine) doesn't hold a fire very long. But does put out a lot of heat and believe me there have been times that I was very happy to stoke it every hour or so. All I had to do was, remember all the times I had been cold, wet and miserable. The other thing I would recommend is a good sleeping matt. Have fun and good luck.
I use a seek outside cimarron with a lite outdoors xl stove. It is very nice to have some heat to kill the condensation and to warm up with. Fyi, those stoves won't burn you all night. You should check out rokslide. They have alot of info to help you with backpack gear and hunting.
I'm curious about these tents also. One thing I've wonder is this: you're giving up the floor in the tent. The design is nice and seems very stable, but also seems as though a lot more square footage of fabric is used for a similar useful space. That seems to offset the weight advantage of giving up the floor. Is the primary advantage, relative to other lightweight tents, the weight, stability, stove option, or other?

They're just so different from what I've used, it's hard to know where to look.
They are awesome! We've had several models. Like all "man" sizes on tents etc, divide it in half. 6 man will fit 3, tight but works for 3. The stove TAMES the backcountry. We've had severe weather come in and the tent and stove has saved the day.
They're great at the end of a long cold day. I would also suggest spending some money on a really nice sleeping bag. The little stoves demand a lot of attention through out the night to keep burning. A nice bag will let you sleep comfortably when the fire goes out.
I have been thinking about a new sleeping bag but I'm torn on what to look for. I've heard about these new ultralight quilts and I've heard good and bad about down and synthetic. I just have no winter camping experience to go off of
I doubt you'll want a quilt in the winter. You're going to want warmth. Choose a warm bag and if you use it in the shoulder seasons you can unzip it and use it like a quilt. Condensation will be your biggest enemy in the winter. I always used a warm Gore down bag back in the day and it was fine. I didn't have a woodstove set up then. I haven't been out in extreme winter conditions with the tipi/woodstove but I would imagine the heat would help dry everything out condensation wise...good luck
Yes, tipi's can be cramped because of the shape. I have a 3 man and mostly moved around on my hands and knees. The stove allows you to strip off your outside clothes and hang out in the tent in your long johns which makes for a little more comfortable time during dinner. You can also heat water and dinner on the stove if it's a flat top and the hot water and lighter clothes allows you to wash up after a long day. You keep your wood in the tent to stay dry so you'll need space for that too. In my small tent, the fire never burned long enough to dry clothes out.

Coastal Oregon/Washington can be very cold and wet. I hunted there once and put on frozen clothes and boots every morning. A heat source would have been greatly appreciated.
Ive been rolling a seirra tipi style with a seek stove and think it works dease. Little much on the ventilation up top that I am going to reduce. Also x2 on the good bag.
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