Another just for fun, what caliber to build thread

Well. after careful consideration of all the info I've received and some serious reflection on the issue I have decided to go with a plain old 375 H&H for the following reasons;
1. I don't have one and have not previously owned one and I like new projects.
2. It seems that the 375 is to Africa what the 30/06 is to us redneck deer hunters, kind of the old classic and the cartridge by which all others performance in this particular arena are measured. Plus and most important to me there is a lot of history and romance involved with the 375.
3. Availability of factory ammo coupled with the availability, relatively low cost and wide range of reloading components as well as a plethora or ready to go off the shelf factory rifles means I can be banging steel next week with one if I want and not waiting on a gunsmith. Not to mention I can afford to practice a lot more with it, and with a great rifle range only 10 min down the road from my house I burn a lot of powder practicing,
4, The 375 with most of its loads seems to shoot a very similar trajectory curve to the 308 with a 175 class bullet which is something I'm very familiar with and which I believe is very capable of target work out to 500-600yds and actual hunting out to the 400 yd range which is plenty for a sporter sized rifle that will be primarily employed off of shooting sticks and from various field positions.
So, there it is, I appreciate all the advice on this issue that you guys have offered. I do love the CZ rifles and since I already have a 550 in 458 and I am a big fan of platform continuity so I will probably simply buy another 550 in 375, is there any particular rifle makers out there that I should keep an eye on that make especially great rifles in these heavier calibers. I've seen the win model 70's, the Sako brown bear, the CZ of course. Is there anything I'm overlooking that I should check out as far as accuracy, handling, good out of the box trigger, and very important to me i s a good set of iron sights. I love shooting iron sights and will likely shoot this rifle quite a bit with the Irons.
I don't think any of the choices you listed offer anything meaningful over the CZ. So unless you simply want to try one of them out, why not stick to the standard? I don't think you'll need to do anything other than maybe a little polishing on the trigger. I'm a huge fan of their single set trigger...

BTW, if you like irons I've got an unused three leaf express sight that's not doing anything.
Too late here. Not sure if this is even true, but when building a rifle for Africa, one should not even consider any kind of wildcat cartridges. I read somewhere that the caliber stamp on the brass has to match the caliber stamped/engraved on the barrel. Building a rifle in any of the Improved calibers just might be a waste of time, if your planning on a african safari.
Too late here. Not sure if this is even true, but when building a rifle for Africa, one should not even consider any kind of wildcat cartridges. I read somewhere that the caliber stamp on the brass has to match the caliber stamped/engraved on the barrel. Building a rifle in any of the Improved calibers just might be a waste of time, if your planning on a african safari.
We had no trouble as long as the name on the rifle includes the parent cartridge head stamp.
Yep, my vote would be Lapua platform. If I did an H&H I would probably just buy one.

For a custom, it would be an improved 375 or 338 but I haven't researched a 375/338 Lapua improved, but it sounds cool.

For a 300, I would still keep it on the Lapua cartridge, maybe still improved. That would be seriously overbore, and a barrel burner, but a seriously stout hot rod for the heavies.
378 brainer.
If only Weatherby would offer their 378 in their #4 contour barrel I would buy one since I have the money. But no they told they will not make a #4 contour barrel in 378. The big weatherbys need heavy barrels.

Or a Lazzeroni Saturn.

I personally wouldn't do a .30 would be a minimum .338 for me...but .375 if anything Africa or that can eat you is on the table.
378 brainer.

Or a Lazzeroni Saturn.

I personally wouldn't do a .30 would be a minimum .338 for me...but .375 if anything Africa or that can eat you is on the table.
Ultimate for that Action is the Tubb 33XC if you want flatter and a .338 Caliber for Africa. (also 37XC)
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