American Airlines “lost” my rifle


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2012
Rapid City SD
I’m at a loss for what to do. A friend of mine Just got off the plane and texted me that the rifle I had just sold him and used to teach him how to shoot long range with was “misplaced” and American Airlines doesn’t know where it is. He had it in a big pelican case locked and wrote his info on the case with a paint pen. They claim the tag fell off and they don’t know what happened to it. Shouldn’t this be a felony? What recourse does he have. They seem to not care that it was a case worth over $5,000. And are treating it as if it was a bag of underwear and toothbrushes.
He had it in a big pelican case locked and wrote his info on the case with a paint pen. They claim the tag fell off and they don’t know what happened to it.
Did the info he wrote on the case include his phone number along with name & address? Let’s hope there’s some concerned folks in the mix here who would actually utilize this information to get the property to it’s rightful owner.

They claim the tag fell off and they don’t know what happened to it. Shouldn’t this be a felony?
If it’s going to be treated as some form of “theft” then yes…it should be a Felony regardless of the value of the firearm.
Like the other members have stated I’d get in touch with the ATF. If the airport where the property “went missing” has it’s own Police force the ATF might want you to start there, first. Here’s a couple examples of how it could be classified here in Kentucky…

And are treating it as if it was a bag of underwear and toothbrushes.
Sorry to hear that. This is a situation where “customer service” should be of utmost importance. I wish you the best of luck in the recovery efforts……and I mean that. 👍
First I'd pour a drink and wait 12hrs. If it's "lost" then it's probably going to stay that way for at least a few hours. Now if by noon on Saturday yall don't have a better answer from American airlines I'd get the ATF involved. A few of my friends growing up worked at DFW airport and said that there were cameras EVERYWHERE and this was pre 9/11. If someone stole it off the baggage cart it's most likely on camera. Also I'd start digging out serial numbers and receipts to prove the value.
Ok, I had a rifle misplaced by Delta on return trip just after 9/11. Somebody failed to scan it into secure storage at the airport since I had long layover. When I was getting onto commuter jet to my home, I saw my gear bag and told handler careful with rifle. What rifle was response so I flew home knowing my rifle was nowhere to be seen. It was a long story but after raising hello at airport, I went home. I tracked down SrVP of CS for midwest and sent email. Got call immediately. She took charge and kept me informed. Basically she felt it was there just misplaced. Got call found it in secure storage not scanned and got it on next available flight. This was about a 12 hour search.

Here is best part, I waited up for the special delivery from airport. I saw van pull up and dropped my very large SKB obvious looking rifle case on my front porch snd started to leave. I opened door and asked him what are you doing? Just delivering luggage! I asked him if he knew what the case was? Sure! Rifle case! And you think leaving it on front porch at 12:30 at night without knocking good idea? I didn't want to wake you....

You cannot make up this level of stupidity. I was so mad I called the VP and left message. She was absolutely stunned by it as well. Even the thought of leaving plain luggage is mind boggling.

So asked them to search EVERY secure storage they have since it might be that simple never scanned in so nobody can find it.

Good luck!
I had my name address and phone number on both sides of the case all they are saying is it must have fell off and got put on a plane to northwest Arkansas but the tracking number they provided was not what my tracking number was. they didn’t seem to worried about it just after 5 days fill out some paperwork and they would give me the money