I lost my LRH Password!

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
Sorry for your problem!

Click on the LOST PASSWORD link found at the upper right of each forum page.


Len Backus
LongRangeHunting Online Magazine and Forums
Len, you lost your password?! But, but, but you're the tsar of LRH! You're the one we all run to with our problems.

I dunno man, tzar can be interpreted as such a nasty word....
I always kinda liked Len:D
I rather prefer "The Chief", "The Don" or maybe even "Fearless leader..." over the tzar.... Hahaha:D

Maybe I read it wrong, & you dyslexicly typed "star" in wich case I have a great joke...
So this dyslexic guy walks into a bra....
Waaahahahhhhaha I love that one:):D
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