6.5 PRC performance on deer


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2018
I'm getting ready to rebarrel one of my 700's. I've been wanting to try 6.5 PRC for awhile now. Got the dies, and getting components (if/when they come available). I've got an uncle who kills a lot of deer but he said for some reason the 6.5 PRC punched holes in three whitetails, they all ran off and hardly a blood trail. He said he was using factory ELDX loads. He also said he had better luck with the 6.5 CM. I know you can chalk it up to the yardage being less than 150yds for all three but I thought the bullet would've come apart and been more devastating than what he witnessed. I didn't find out where they were hit as far as a lethal hit or not. Anybody else experienced the same or better experiences with the PRC? My usage will be mostly whitetails? Thanks
The mule deer in my picture was 378 one shot kill
my grandson killed one 75 yards small hole in huge hole on the other side.
250 yards on a doe with 140 accubonds leaving the muzzle at 3,060. I think bullet choice will matter more than anything.

Reasons to go creedmoor would be:
Less powder
Less recoil
Less muzzle blast
More factory ammo
More rounds in the magazine
Longer barrel life
I plan on using Bergers. I know what a 300wsm does on them at different yardages with Sierra TGK's. He's killing deer regularly with 7-08, 6.5 CM and 7RM...just surprised me to hear him talk about his experiences with the PRC. He's since sold it
250 yards on a doe with 140 accubonds leaving the muzzle at 3,060. I think bullet choice will matter more than anything.

Reasons to go creedmoor would be:
Less powder
Less recoil
Less muzzle blast
More factory ammo
More rounds in the magazine
Longer barrel life
I've got a CM. I've never shot a deer with it but have with my 7-08. Roughly same killing machine. Just looking for something with alittle more umph. 260ai was suggested by a friend
Forgot my buddy used this rifle for antelope 708 yards one shot kill opposite side was a huge hole.
My brother's 6.5 PRC has taken down 6 big game animals over the past two seasons:
- 3 Cow elk
- 1 Muley buck
- 1 Whitetail buck
- 1 Whitetail doe

All were shot with the 147 gr ELDM factory ammunition. None went more than 50 yards from the shot. Put it in the boiler room and it'll work just like a ton of other chamberings!
I had 2 instances of over penetration when I tried the eldx. I've killed a ton with the amax and now eldM. I killed my last season mulie with 6.5 prc 147eldm 811 yards and flawless performance
Sounds like it's a winner with the right combo. I've picked up 400 rounds of 140 Berger Elites and about 2000 Rem 9 1/2M's. Only 20pcs of brass and H1000 is on the list but none yet. My smith has the gauges and reamer.
Sounds like it's a winner with the right combo. I've picked up 400 rounds of 140 Berger Elites and about 2000 Rem 9 1/2M's. Only 20pcs of brass and H1000 is on the list but none yet. My smith has the gauges and reamer.
You won't be disappointed. I like mine so much the 7 mag has sat in the safe
Bought my 6.5 PRC last summer and took the first deer with it using factory Hornady 143 gr ELDX in November. I bought it for long shots across food plots but he stepped out right next to me at 35 yards. Caliber size entrance with a fist size exit.....DRT. Very accurate, no recoil with the brake, fun to shoot, no complaints.
Sounds like it's a winner with the right combo. I've picked up 400 rounds of 140 Berger Elites and about 2000 Rem 9 1/2M's. Only 20pcs of brass and H1000 is on the list but none yet. My smith has the gauges and reamer.

May as well put a pre-order in for the Lapua brass coming this spring. Mine has been very easy to load for, no complaints about the hornady brass other than being hard to get right now.
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