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33 Nosler


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2017
if the barrel isn't over heated and well taken care of, what should the barrel life be? Under 2800 fps.
Of course there is a lot more to barrel life but yeah, over 2000
Powder Charge-Bore Capacity-Barrel Life.jpeg
if the barrel isn't over heated and well taken care of, what should the barrel life be? Under 2800 fps.

There are so many factors to barrel life that the end result is always going vary substantially. I think how hard your pushing a cartridge plays one of the biggest roles. If you plan on running a mild load under 2800 fps with the 250s and use a single base powder like h-1000. I would think your barrel would last 5-6000rds with ease. My 250gr load for my 338 EDGE IMP is about 20grs more powder per shot than a 33nos and it's a mild load. I mostly run a very mild load of h-1000 and 300 gr Bergers at 2830fps. With this combo my barrel has 2400rds on it and still shoots 3in 3 shot groups at 1060yds.
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