Hello. I'm working on finding a good rescipe for a new Remington 700CDL in a 257wby caliber. This is a awesome little gun. I bought a box of new wby ammo so i could bring it home put a scope on and start shooting. The gun is shooting shooting great. So now I'm working on a rescipe for reloading. Bought a box of Nosler brass and a box of 115gr Nosler ballistic tips to get started and find out that the gun has all the throat space in the world! I barley started the bullet in the case for a dummy round and tried chambering it and the bolt closed no problem. the bullet is not touching the lanns in any kinda way. So I can extend the bullet out a long ways but I kinda got a rule of thumb to seat the bullet at least the length of the neck..and I do like to use a lite crimp just because I feel i get a bit more consistent release of the bullet when it does launch. Does anyone extended the bullet any further out than the lenght of the neck of the case and get good consistent groups?