What do you think they should get?

I'm nowhere near as upset about this as a poached game species. Was there malicious intent or were they truly hungry trying to eat something? Article doesn't say.

Bald Eagles are just overgrown dumpster gulls and are absolutely everywhere. Especially dumps. No idea why people think it's prestigious other than it's been made a symbol.
They could not of been that hungry because of where they were at it takes two gallons of gas to get there and you pass all the fast food places on the way.
Its a wilderness set aside for hunting and wildlife that gets misused for parting and drugs alot.
On the average you pass one dead coon along the highway every 100 yards so there was more than enough to eat and better tasting too. Im sure of that.
I did ask for opinions. And everyone has one. This goes beyond a simple mistake. Those guys knew what they were doing. We are responsible for our actions. Its about accountability. The bird they killed is the national symbol of this country. Not just a protected species. This is a hot topic for me because I spent my entire life in the service of this country. 21 years as the dependant of a career military officer and myself also as carreer military. I may be retired now, but with being prior career military, you are never "really" retired. Its ingrained in me. As such, I think it's a really bad deal when people hunt illegally, at game that is protected, with little to no respect for what they know little (or nothing) of. As foreigners, they should have known a few particulars about their "host" country. A few customs and courtesies, social norms, national issues, and the like. I certainly know that I never traveled anywhere in this world either in the military or as a civilian tourist without knowing a "little" about where I was or what was acceptable or not. I knew not doing so could "bring down my world". All this said, I believe with all my heart that it's a really bad deal when I have to stand by and learn about anyone that infringes on my national pride. I will not stand for it. Whatever the reason. What do you think would happen if an American did a similar thing in their country? Those guys should have known better. And now they may have to pay a price for that ignorance. At the core, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Enough said. Out.
I love the eagle as a symbol, but I see enough that I don't believe they are endangered anymore. As for knowing the law, once Congress delegated the power to make law to the executive branch (they call them regulations) they wrote so many that no one can be aware of all of them. If they want to go after you, they can find one to hang you with. It allows law enforcement to be selective about which ones they prosecute and which ones they ignore. That gives way too much power to law enforcement. There is a concept of fitting the punishment to the crime. For instance, the penalty for shooting an eagle shouldn't be more than the penalty for manslaughter or rape. In NM, it is illegal to shoot any bird that isn't a game bird. Why? We'll never know.
Flavor is somewhere between a carrier pigeon and a whooping crane. Sorry I couldn't help it.
I can't even imagine how bad an American bald Eagle could taste just based on its diet,
These jokers knew exactly what they were doing! They had a rifle. How did they get that? Every state that I know of requires a hunter's safety course, then they portray that an interpreter is needed. Face it. These idiots came to this country because of the idiot that we have for a President, someone them that the US has Santa Clause in office and everything is free and they can do what they want!! Just remember this. They were smart enough to make it to get here and they were smart enough to play the dumb part. But they knew exactly what was going on and that they will probably be slapped on their wrists and then let go !
Just remember. You can teach the ignorant,
But. You can't do a **** thing about Stupidity.. I see them not getting as much as an American citizen because we ARE. required by law to know every aspect of the law in hunting. Where as ignorance of the law has nothing to do with even being stupid.
I have no respect for these bums no matter where they come from. I'd like to see them thrown in jail like they have in Honduras 🤷‍♂️.
My 2 cents that probably isn't worth 0ne cent.
See and I don't feel as strongly about any of this as most of you on here haha. Arresting that lady seems incredibly over the top ridiculous. Issue a fine sure…arrest someone???? Good lord. But we're increasingly decriminalizing the drugs that are ruining communities, but oh no, the thought of someone literally killing an animal to eat it, you know, like we did before grocery stores were around…well that's evil!!!!!

Regarding this eagle…I'm not American so I'm not emotionally invested in that particular creature. I can tell you that as a Canadian I wouldn't be particularly angry if someone shot a beaver with the intent of eating the darn thing. Of course, if eagles built dams and felled trees maybe you guys wouldn't be so enamoured with them either 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I think you miss the point. In fact, I know it. If I was in Canada, I wouldnt harm a beaver or any other symbol of Canada. I expect the same from any non-American here in the US. Its about respect for and abiding by the laws of the host country. But it doesn't seem to matter to some. Moving on.
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I think you miss the point. In fact, I know it. But it doesn't matter. Moving on.
No no I do, they're not showing respect for a place where they're guests and that's very offensive in and of itself. And I do realize that the fact that there's worse things happening doesn't mean that this is okay.

There should be consequences. And I trust there will be. But at the end of the day I can't see letting this sort of thing get to me. That's all.
Apparently based on the article posted, they were shot often back in the early 1900s and later. Since the ESA was established in 1970 they have began increasing in numbers. Yeah, they broke the law, they shouldn't have shot it. They should be prosecuted just as anyone else would be, or just fined and deported. We wouldn't get anything monetary out of it either way. Some of you guys are way too attached to an animal that has been declared a symbol. Yeah they're cool animals, but it's not a big enough deal to make this many pages in here. I get more upset when I hear of trophy sheep or elk getting poached. Nobody seems to get this worked about those incidents.
Well I guess its just a matter of how you feel about your country and the laws by which it stands. The American Bald Eagle is "the symbol" of our nation. Kill one and you should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, period. Whether your a citizen of the United States or an illegal alien the penalty should be the same. The law is the law, it should not be bent or broken just because they didn't know any better. If you think otherwise you part of the problem, not the solution. Just because your hungry doesn't mean you shouldn't have to obey the laws where you are at the time.
Exactly. Well said.
Yes WE are responsible for our actions but others, not so much. Accountability has gone. Didn't state but I am assuming that they are one of the millions who walked in through the open border with no responsibility or accountability.
👍🏼 Most likely here illegally so nothing will happen to them and per China Joe will be released back into public with $400.00 each and instructed to buy food not kill eagles. I'm wondering how the killed the eagle ? If they possessed a gun and were illegals thats a felony and deportation. Oh wait, not with this administration.... After all, they are all potential demoncrat voters. After amnisty.
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I can't even imagine how bad an American bald Eagle could taste just based on its diet,
These jokers knew exactly what they were doing! They had a rifle. How did they get that? Every state that I know of requires a hunter's safety course, then they portray that an interpreter is needed. Face it. These idiots came to this country because of the idiot that we have for a President, someone them that the US has Santa Clause in office and everything is free and they can do what they want!! Just remember this. They were smart enough to make it to get here and they were smart enough to play the dumb part. But they knew exactly what was going on and that they will probably be slapped on their wrists and then let go !
Just remember. You can teach the ignorant,
But. You can't do a **** thing about Stupidity.. I see them not getting as much as an American citizen because we ARE. required by law to know every aspect of the law in hunting. Where as ignorance of the law has nothing to do with even being stupid.
I have no respect for these bums no matter where they come from. I'd like to see them thrown in jail like they have in Honduras 🤷‍♂️.
My 2 cents that probably isn't worth 0ne cent.
Yeah your 2cents does matter. To some of us.

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