Deer Birthing

Coyote Shadow Tracker

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Dec 9, 2020
Social Circle, GA
Recently went outside looking for Armadillos. I had our FLIR Scout III scanning the area. I saw what looked like one of our goats slowly thrashing around on the ground near the fence. Thought maybe one of our goats was Pasing away. We have one that has been hanging on for years. I got Jill to come out so we could help her. we put the Thermal and a bright spotlight and found out it was a Doe giving Birth to a Fawn. We immediately turned the light off and left the area so she could be with her fawn.
Pretty Awesome. About 10 years ago a doe gave birth to a Buck in our front goat field and the Fawn hobbled on to the road and laid down. I ended up picking him up and carried him to where the mom was waiting anxiously in the field. They united and went to the back of our property.
This was really AWESOME seeing this tonight.
That is cool!
I bet you are one of few to witness a live birth from a deer in the wild!!
Beautiful to witness nature in action in person.
Doe's will begin birthing in late June and we begin harvesting rice in mid July down here. We have to keep an eye out for those fawns bedded in the rice fields during the harvest especially near wooded areas. They will not move until the combine is a few feet away...then jump up and dash blindly in any direction in the 3 ft tall rice crop. Although it rarely happens...I've heard stories of some jump up straight into the combine before the operator can stop.
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That is cool!
I bet you are one of few to witness a live birth from a deer in the wild!!
Beautiful to witness nature in action in person.
Doe's will begin birthing in late June and we begin harvesting rice in mid July down here. We have to keep an eye out for those fawns bedded in the rice fields during the harvest especially near wooded areas. They will not move until the combine is a few feet away...then jump up and dash blindly in any direction in the 3 ft tall rice crop. Although it rarely happens...I've heard stories of some jump up straight into the combine before the operator can stop.
Truly Blessed to see the birth of a fawn. We have be fortunate to see a few on our property. Our Rut is from the beginning of OCT till Dec. Depends on if the Does got bred the first go around. Gestation is about 201 days for White Tail.

We have a lot of deer going through our property and crossing the road in front of our property. In the past 14 years (4) vehicles have been totaled hitting deer in front of our goat field. Took out our fence twice and (3) of the accidents were complete roll overs and all totaled vehicles. Luckily no one was seriously injured.

Sadly so many fawns are killed when farmers are cutting HAY. They just lay there when mom jumps up and runs away. No time for the operator to stop.
I had one give birth in one of my fields last July. We watched it take its first steps.


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Just went out about 30 minutes ago to set up a chair and look for Armidellos coming out of a brush pile. Was scaning the area with out FLIR Scout III and saw the Doe and new born fawn from last night bedding down about 60yds off to the side of the garage.
No shooting tonight. Don't want to disturb her and the fawn. Every year we have Does with thier fawns bedding right up clos to our house. When we had a feeder 25 yds off the back deck we had over a dozen does and their fawns living in the back yard. I guess I'll have to start filling the 50 gallon feeded back up.
I also need to start shooting the Coyotes in the back of the property. Hopefully this fawn will make it to adulthood.
It's amazing on how animals know where they are safe. We have had several possums and racoons that lived next to the house and used the cat door to come into the garage. Our two outside cats - Oreo and Precious Ann would interact with the possums and coons all the time just like they were part of the family. When they wanted food or it was bad weather they would come in.
Jill used to feed the deer out of her hand. I have to find the pictures of the big bucks eating out of her hands.
Our first one few minutes ago! Momma was cleaning it up in front of us! Brought some joy in otherwise horrible time.View attachment 368094View attachment 368095
That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grear pictures. I need to put out our cameras and get some good shots. People that co habitat with wild game is rare.
We still have some does that are going to drop any day. We have one doe for years that always has twins. We also have strong coyote & Bobcat populatation so will see how many survive this year.
Thanks much for sharing the pictures with all.
Len & Jill
With all the evil going on we can still the greatness with God's cereations even just a Doe and Fawn is a miricle.
Griffin out cat was just chattering in the window. i looked out and saw a Doe and Fawn feeding off of her in the goat field next to the house. I took Cassie our new puppy out to releive herself on the orher side of the house. She was smelling the air and then let out a deep GrrrrrruFFFF. Shen doen's bark. I looked over and there was another doe with a fawn feeding off her. I tried to take a picture but my Smart Phone camera never works right when I need it to. You can see the brown atch in the brush.
Looks like we wil have a good herd of deer this year.
I threw out a few buckets of corn for them. Will fill the feeder up later and put a camera up.


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With all the evil going on we can still the greatness with God's cereations even just a Doe and Fawn is a miricle.
Griffin out cat was just chattering in the window. i looked out and saw a Doe and Fawn feeding off of her in the goat field next to the house. I took Cassie our new puppy out to releive herself on the orher side of the house. She was smelling the air and then let out a deep GrrrrrruFFFF. Shen doen's bark. I looked over and there was another doe with a fawn feeding off her. I tried to take a picture but my Smart Phone camera never works right when I need it to. You can see the brown atch in the brush.
Looks like we wil have a good herd of deer this year.
I threw out a few buckets of corn for them. Will fill the feeder up later and put a camera up.
Makes it hard to shoot them. As I get older, I pass more and more of them up. Only kill one every couple of years or so just for some meat. I really like it. I've shot more than my share anyway. Started when I started bottle feeding them. They get so tame and follow you around and want you to pet them. Easier to shoot Bucks, they get mean when they grow up and start rutting. Does taste better though. Shoot mostly ducks and geese now.
Our first one few minutes ago! Momma was cleaning it up in front of us! Brought some joy in otherwise horrible time.View attachment 368094View attachment 368095
She must have just fed it. They have to lick their butts every time they poop. Otherwise they will get bound up and cannot go. When you bottle feed them you have to take a warm wet washcloth and do the same or they will die. Pain in the butt, but you have too.

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