I’m always busy at the wrong time…for SCIENCE!!!😡🤣. Anyone ever shoot at these temps and get chrono numbers?

You get good at working in the cold. Tarping vehicles with tiger torches under them, Heaters installed on every part that has fluid, never shutting things off.. working like that is how I came up with my highway 16 rule- I don't work north of that. Snowmexican's like me can understand that rule. Thats about 400km north of the border, there is a line somewhere in there with about 3 more months of winter.
Haha you beat me to it. Colorado was cold enough for me to deal with diesels. If I ever moved back north I'm not sure I'd go through it again, unless the new common rails are significantly better in the cold than my old HEUI.
I froze just looking at the temps you posted 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yeah It's hot down here in AZ, but look at it this way, if we go to hell, well, we'll be fine, we'll manage. If we go to heaven, then it will feel like heaven, unless it -42°Celsius LOL

I'm curious what results you'll get shooting at those temps.

@Calvin45 and @skipglo , what lubricant do you use so the bolt doesn't freeze up on you at those temps? Just curious. Down here any lubricant turns to liquid LOL.
An icebird like you, or is it a polar bear, we expect this data sooner than later 🤣
Just remember, do not put your tongue on any exposed bare metal....🤣🤣
Oh for crying out loud this reminds me of something from my teenage years…we used to have this beagle at my dad's farm. They are all at once the stupidest and most intelligent dogs I've ever personally interacted with (and I'm convinced that pound for pound no animal has more fight in it than the jack russel terrier - little lion-hearts and at least as effective at rodent control as cats in our experience) - anyways it was a night about as cold as what we saw today and the beagle needed outside to answer nature's call - a few minutes after we let him out we hear this horrendous screaming, shrieking, absolute panic and pain sounds. Dad and I run to the door to see the foolish beast has licked the metal railing going up the porch steps and his tongue is stuck to it, while he's pulling and pulling and screaming in terror and no doubt in pain. Dad hurried to get a glass of water to unstick it but before he makes it back the dog yanks really hard and with a very piercing yelp breaks free. A chunk of tongue remained frozen to the railing. It was gross but impressive. The dog recovered in time but his mouth was visibly swollen for a while and he had a hard time eating or drinking. Ouch.