I am falling apart ...

How are you feeling?
Hope you keep healing well. God bless
Looks great! Glad to hear you on the road to successful recovery! Stay up with the therapy ESPECIALLY after you really start to feel closer to normal. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger...and that left side looks like it's gonna be a strong SUM BEE!
I am getting better each day. The Doc said I am healing very well and won't need physical therapy (I was doing my own). Thanks, Brothers!

I go get my bandage off my knee today and start physical therapy. It actually seems worse to walk on than before the surgery. It feels like it has a catch in it or something. Hopefully it's ok and just healing.
Glad you are healing well, keep doing what your doing cause it seems to be working......Thank you for sharing your journey with us, it gives us
hope that if/when our time comes for such adversity we can persevere as well as you have. Much appreciated.
I go get my bandage off my knee today and start physical therapy. It actually seems worse to walk on than before the surgery. It feels like it has a catch in it or something. Hopefully it's ok and just healing.
Hang in there, the PTs will get you running in due time. Praying for your speedy recovery.

Getting old is not for the weak....I have knee surgery next Monday. Torn meniscus and damaged ACL from doing squats with weight. I am 54 but still run, lift and enjoy a cage fight once in a while but I just can't move like I use to. My knee now locks up if I stand wrong but I have to stay in shape and I am in hopes the recovery will be quick. I don't like medication and I assume a couple beers will get me through the pain at night??lol
You are the man a tough old bird for sure I wish I was as tough as you

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