Someone more experienced than me can probably confirms this, however that is what I would call case head separation and it's not good! For starters throw all of that brass away!
Belted cases headspace off of the belt. This means that the rest of the chamber in front of the belt can be too long (such as is the case here). So, when you chamber a round it's held tight against the belt. However, there is excessive space in front of the shoulder. Now, when you fire the pressure pushes the entire case forward stretching out the brass and thinning it out at the "head".
Cut a piece of the brass in half and you will be able to see how much thinner it is where the "ring" is.
I am not a gunsmith but I would think that you could get a reamer to cut back the belt a little to take up the excess in the "front" of the chamber, however the shoulder would have to be set back the same distance to keep the headspace in spec.
I would start by calling Tikka and seeing what they can do. But definitely do not keep shooting and reloading that brass. 60,000psi next to your face is not something you want turned loose uncontrollably!
Just my .10 cents.