What's in a name? Actions and ....


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2023
At the outset this is for those that have at least separated their bolt actions from the stock.
If you're the kind that takes your rifle to the gunsmith for cleaning you may not understand a single word of the following.

Have you ever had the barrel and action in separate pieces?
Please then, contribute.
If not, stick around and maybe I'll learn something ;-)

So in the past I have "twist off, twist on"
Small ring
Large ring
Howa 1500
Weatherby (several different action)

I'm purposely omitting all the gas, short recoil, roller delay, in effect semi-auto weapons.
Although I have an affinity for single shot rifles in obscure calibers and some of the technique applies here, I'm leaving them out as well.

Although I'm a fan of controlled feed I'm not obsessed with it.
I'm more concerned about maintaining concentricity and establishing headspace.
Next is consistent bolt lug lock.
Then all the interface to the furniture. I'm just going to say "furniture" here because this can run the gamut from conventional wood to fully milled chassis.

Today I'm looking at a bit of an orphan in States. The BSA CF2.
@Sikadog already seems to agree with me.
The BSA CF2 is a bit of an afterthought on the English Isle.
Much like the Remington 788 or 721
Good quick read here.

I've owned three and worked on several CF2's over the years. I never investigated it's history, design, or creation. Maybe I should. i just work on them and have had zero issues.

Barrel out (off) and a close fit concentric plug fit to the receiver and I've never experienced any concentricity errors. This, unlike some well known others, that have to have their receiver face squared up as a matter of course.
Once you understand the sear it's easy to get a safe let off inside #2 pounds.
If you don't trust what you see once the sear has been smoked and examined then there is the option of a set trigger (if you can find one, hint hint)
If there is one thing I dislike about the action it's the extractor. I've never had one fail or had to replace one but irrationally, I don't like it.
These actions are easy enough to bed and can support the weight of all but a free floated bull barrel. How do I know? Fired case distortion, (I'll get back to this, um, later, I guess, maybe) loss of accuracy node with mild temperature and humidity changes, and...

Esoteric brain vomit, mildly worthless anecdotal mutterings, and self effacing humor follow. TLDR warning. All it really says is I can tell the difference between noise and harmonics.

It never seems to hum the same not twice nor the same length.
You see, I'm somewhat adept at or sensitive to barrel harmonics.
Some would say idiot savant (those that know me well enough to pluck low hanging fruit)
Others might say simply say savant or idiot. I prefer happy idiot. This is no relation to my guardian idiot that keeps me out of harm's way (or maybe it is?).
The point, if there is one, is that sensitive piezo microphones in contact with the receiver, barrel, and furniture, bore this out. Being a radio operator, recording these low frequency harmonics is well within my talents. Clean waveforms are predictable. Noise is not. All this does is supply a cacophony of information well on the way to statistical brain lock. I use it simply to verify my idiot talent for knowing the difference between a clean, predictable note or harmonics and noise.

A built from the screws long range action requires a plan (not really)
A purpose (not always)
A method (usually the parts on hand)
A few tools (besides the vice, hammer, drill press, and files)
Some imagination (this actually is required)
Some intuition (see idiot savant above)
Some experience (see guardian idiot above)
And a bunch of people on the internet that you've never met that are more than willing to either assist or call you out on your bovine excretia.

All this because I'm looking for another long action CF2 to begin another build.
I'll be happy enough with anything on the -06, 08 bolt face.
I could be talked into another shot out 222 but that's a horse of a different caliber.

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