spotting scope eye piece,angled or straight

Angled I have straight and angled. Angled is way more comfortable all the way around.
If you glass from a window mount/vehicle make sure your angled will turn.
Angled from a vehicle sucks in my experience if it won't turn sideways. Not enough room to get comfortable trying to look straight down.
Straight. I sit upright on a stool and typically glass on a tripod so I can control the elevation and reduce strain on my giraffe neck. Angled eye pieces are great if you are glassing up into a mountain or hillside, especially if you are prone behind a rifle as well but I think the areas they excel in also limit their overall utility.
I have an angled, I want to get the straight eyepiece though, when I find an extra $2k I'll do that. I find myself constantly rotating it so it's basically like using a straight. The angles have a lot of good uses. I find myself having to completely readjust when going from binos to the spotter. I also feel like, when I'm looking down my eyes try to close and my eyelashes end up blocking my view a little. They both have their place, I think.
I prefer straight because I tend to scan with my binos and then switch over to the spotter for detailed viewing. The transition from binoculars to angled eyepiece spotter, to me, is just counter-intuitive. Especially if the animal is at a substantially different elevation and/or heading than where the scope was previously pointing. I find it much easier to align a straight scope versus an angled one and the transition from binos to scope works well for me. YMMV