Sometimes you just fall into one.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2012
central Pa.
Gentleman, its always been the other guy that falls into that amazing deal. well this time I was at the right place at the right time. I give to you my brand new 30-338 WM with a sweet Hart Barrel and brake. Oh and check out the results from my first trip to the range. 100yds 3 shots and 300yds 5 shots. Then look at what I paid for it. $1500.00 I am really happy.


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This is how it all happened.
I was talking to my smith about having a gun built. He tells me not do do anything he may have one I would be interested in if I would want the caliber. He calls me back with this story. An older gentleman had ordered this rifle and before he could travel to pick it up passed away. His son is not into the shooting sports asked my smith to sell it for him. I thought there would be a little negotiating back and forth and made my first offer 1500. Imagine my surprise when the phone rang the next day saying he would take it. I honestly felt bad until I pulled the trigger for the first time. I'm as giddy as a school girl.
I thought I got a great buy on a custom at $2700 last summer... I still think I got a great buy, but not as great as yours!
Tell us more about it, action, trigger, stock?
You must have bought that from some guy's wife...:)
Divorce forces sale, or sale forces divorce? Scope too? As long as it worked out for all-good deal. When I go I'd rather see my stuff get used by someone that realizes what they got.
I thought I got a great buy on a custom at $2700 last summer... I still think I got a great buy, but not as great as yours!
Tell us more about it, action, trigger, stock?

The stock is a Bell & Carlson, 700 action, Remington trigger, Zeiss 6.5 x 20 x 50 came with it. Put 3 loads together and you see the results of 66.1gr IMR 4350, 180gn Balistic tip, fed 215, rem 338 brass, pushing an average of 2950fps
Must be the season...

Nesika SA repeater with clips
Krieger..27" fluted 300WSM 20 to 30 rounds fired
Mc Millan stock
Jewel trigger
Rings and basses
Leupold 4.5-14 LRT....30mm tube. 50 mm bell. Side focus.


Must be the season...

Nesika SA repeater with clips
Krieger..27" fluted 300WSM 20 to 30 rounds fired
Mc Millan stock
Jewel trigger
Rings and basses
Leupold 4.5-14 LRT....30mm tube. 50 mm bell. Side focus.



****, that action alone runs $1300 or so. sweet deal.

OK fellas lets hear about the best deal on a rig you ever got reguardless of circumstances. post pics if you gotum.
Well hell, I didn't get a deal after all. I should call that guy back and demand a scope now!
You guys SCORED!

Gotta admit...My deal was a "friend deal". The seller told me he knew he could get more on the internet. I also baught a Licea 1200 rangefinder, case, box ,insructions and all, from another friend. $250.00. He didn't care..he just wanted it gone. He was originally trying to sell me his, with the Licea and my Swaro religated to my golf bag, I really didn't need the Skycaddy!! :D
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