Should we start to boycot these high prices?

Again, ABC does not lie if your LGS can absorb those costs, more power to him.
ABC costing is based on production not after it leaves production to consumers and distributors.
I assure you he is not " absorbing" anything he has a percentage he marks up and thats it.
It's amazing to see the number of Americans who do not understand economics and think every business is out to rip them off. Our govt alone is causing inflation on Americans, Our govt is causing fuel supply shortages, supply chain log jams and more. Our govt is blaming private industry for it while they skate telling us they're doing everything they possibly can to fix it? 😂 They're not. They're accelerating it. Wake up folks. Our own govt is the enemy that's creating the hardships now and it is only gonna get worse. Be ready.

The World Economy Forum (WEF)

ICYMI: Dr. Matt Briggs comments: You'll Take The Great Reset—And Like It - Way back in pre-doom days, in 2016, the World Economic Forum (WEF) put out a video explaining how by 2030 you, dear reader, will no longer own anything. And "you'll be happy" about this.

"You will own nothing and you will be happy about it" - World Economic Forum; 2030

This isn't just being done to America BTW, every country is being attacked in the world.
Russia ruble now gold backed. Trading oil outside our petro dollar. If other nations jump on its gonna b a helluva ride.
Devil's advocate but companies make a margin on sales and if the number of items available to sell goes down, unless prices rise, they quickly have have trouble keeping the lights on and employees employed.
Not knowing when more inventory to sell will be available and knowing it will be sold almost as fast as it hit the shelves leaves you with the logical step of increasing prices at least until the chain stabilizes.

Some companies are outright gouging, see more people buying and reselling than actual storefronts gouging, but most of us are trying to make it through a very real labor and product shortage.
Last two years have been horrible for reloading, ammo, parts and service.
So your trying to convince me my local LGS can sell the exact same powder for 50.00 less because of than others because of ABC costs
Sherm we get it you have the BEST most HONEST LGS in the nation.

At the end of the day boycotting will not do anything. I would also ask when things slow down will you be willing to support the forced loses LGS's are going to take?

Ammo, Gun, and some distributors are forcing dealers to take product in order to stay in line or not be penalized.

So if a dealer HAS to buy say large rifle primers for hypothetical 50$ a brick. Then things slow down and he is forced to lower his prices because he is being out priced. Are you going to pay extra then to keep him a float.

I highly doubt it because your going to look for the "best" price.
ABC costing is based on production not after it leaves production to consumers and distributors.
I assure you he is not " absorbing" anything he has a percentage he marks up and thats it.
NO! ABC is inherent to ALL businesses, in short, your LGS has his own ABC that is different from where he gets his goods to sell. ABC accounts for ALL costs associated with the business operations, I.e., rent, human and capital equipment, etc.
WVR also coined as " The Great American Lease " you cannot afford to own. Pray that it is not successful the auto industry is heading that way. Our comfort of living has progressed over the years. Our cost of living has not progressed much ratio of $.49 cents a gal of gas to income is the same as today's $4.60 a gal to income ratio. Also sorry I believe businesses have been over MBA'ed as many. Keep it " FREE MARKET."
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Yeah, people can try to ask any fool and charge any fool price they wish. But Gun is supporting plain out and out theft and should be shut down. IMHO. I'm not that desperate.
Remember, it is the buyer who sets the price. What ****es most of us off is there is always some A-hole that will buy primers for $200 /box. I'm guessing they have not earned their money with their back, hands and eyes.

We should look in the mirror and say I wont pay $150/1000 for primers….not because I don't have $150, but because it is ridiculous for me to set the price that high.

I have personally walked away from many components that were available at a high price, not because I couldn't afford them, but because I didn't want to be a part of sales at that price point.

Look at 9mm ammo. What was $100 for 50 was $24 for 50 when I walked through the store the other day.

Also, I'm rarely buying for what I'm doing today. I'm trying to plan for 6mo down the road.
It's just not as simple as buy for x dollars and mark up x and everyone is equal. If one business has seen a reginal cost of sales go up by 20% and another sees a 50% increase they can not sell the same goods for the same price. The lower prices also drive the market so the higher cost of sales retailer isn't actually raising their prices their full cost increase so most retailers are running even tighter margins to try to stay competitive with those that can run a lower cost of sales. Many of those that look like they may be gouging are probably running the lowest margins.
However, this only occurred when there was/is a liberal administration that threatened the 2A.
Do you remember the start of Covid and the hoarding of everything? And the white urban panic that ensued when the BLM protests were happening? Which administration was that again?
More than any perceived threat to the 2A by the boogie man, it simply supply & demand. Lots of new gun owners and hunters out there.
I don't have a horse in this race. UT I do think it's a great idea to get it at a good price. What I would really like to know is how you think prices will be good again. What would have to occur??
Low sales volume is the best fix for prices. Low sales and full shelves cause sales which drive towards an equilibrium point. As customers, we can drive sales price so low that manufacturers stop making the product….so you have to be careful with that!

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