Should we start to boycot these high prices?

Sure hope all that powder doesn't catch fire it might warm the earth a couple degrees.:cool: Of course my friends in Alaska could grow tomatoes in September then.:)

could really use some Global Warming right about now, still got 2 ft of snow in my garden and the ground is still frozen, my tomato starters are going nuts in the house, stretchin, reaching for the light beyond the window
No such thing as clean coal it may be cleaner then it used to be do to some advances in tech but coal is coal it's still bad for the environment
It still emits CO2 coal is a dying energy source
I was referring to the emission in our steam plant not it's raw state. It is cleaner than any liberal state-run state. If you have never seen it, I will be more than happy to give you a tour. I got close to those guys that run/manage it when I headed the A-76 competitive sourcing study over 10 years ago; it stayed in-house.
How long has it been on the shelf or in a back room? I call B.S.
Its unfortunate you have the belief and outlook you do. I am honest and have nothing to gain or hide. I know what the shop owner would say if I was so disrespectful and asked her when she put it out. I can only tell you none of it was there two weeks ago when I was there and last week when my buddy went in. Today another friend stopped by and mentioned some powder she had I had passed up wanting to know if he should grab it. Luckily you can choose who you support and I will support who I do. I will also continue to post up facts I have both good and bad.
Is she providing millions of dollars in insurance for employees, how large is her payroll taxes, how many packages is she shipping out daily. How many thousands of square feet of warehouse does she have. All your overhead is built into every price tag. I can still buy at wholesale and on those powders at what they are marked I wouldn't cover the shipping. That unsustainable, she's either bankrolling the business from else where of there are other product her mark up is high enough to make up for being so low.

At those prices, JUST to pay an employee one day they'd have to sell 64 lbs of it.

She's loosing money on the bullets, so on everything you have pictured she made MAYBE $2!! Without factoring in shipping!!
I am sure you are 100% correct as they celebrate their over 40 years in business at the same location and same shop. No question she is loosing money every single day, just like her dad did until he retired from the shop. I'm pretty confident her dad and her must have had a pretty good business model more people should have followed.
Its unfortunate you have the belief and outlook you do. I am honest and have nothing to gain or hide. I know what the shop owner would say if I was so disrespectful and asked her when she put it out. I can only tell you none of it was there two weeks ago when I was there and last week when my buddy went in. Today another friend stopped by and mentioned some powder she had I had passed up wanting to know if he should grab it. Luckily you can choose who you support and I will support who I do. I will also continue to post up facts I have both good and bad.
Nice. Can you post the buisness name and address here to help some fellow reloaders and we can all support the buisness?
@jbs2014, now I understand your "Gabby Johnson" comment.
Nice. Can you post the buisness name and address here to help some fellow reloaders and we can all support the buisness?
Dave's Gun and Pawn Riverside Wa. If you talk to David he is not the founder just a great employee. She takes cash or a check after you have been established as a good customer.
Dave's Gun and Pawn Riverside Wa. If you talk to David he is not the founder just a great employee. She takes cash or a check after you have been established as a good customer.
I can not believe your actually comparing prices of a pawn shop to a business that make it's margins as a retailer and saying legit business are raping people. You have to be joking right, you can not be that out of touch with how those business make money!!!!
Those Gun and Pawn are MONEY makers but it's not because princes is running a low margins care for the community type business!!
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Dave's Gun and Pawn Riverside Wa. If you talk to David he is not the founder just a great employee. She takes cash or a check after you have been established as a good customer.
Am I following this thread correctly?

The OP starts the thread by accusing random and unnamed companies of extortion, bending us over, and greed.

Then there is a volley of several hundred posts from people who understand simple economics and those who don't.

The OP then complains that nobody is posting solutions even though they had.

He is then given several ideas on how to lower prices.

The OP then proceeds to tell us there is only enough oil to last 10,000 years and makes a prophecy that we will no longer be able to breathe if we don't cover the US in windmills and solar panels and receive deliver from a trucking company with a Toyota Prius fleet which will get you your product in however long it takes from point A to point B. Don't forget to add time to that delivery date for charging time in case the wind isn't blowing or the sun isn't shining. We will also need to take into account payload capacity of the Prius compared to the tractor trailer. I have to assume it will create alot of traffic since it will take several hundred Toyota Prius to make up for one tractor trailer.

Feenix then posts a very funny and fitting excerpt from Revenge of the nerds which by the way I am still laughing at.

In steps Reelamin with unequivocal proof we are being gouged by these companies with the purchase of some cheap powder and bullets. After a follow up question he reveals he bought the powder and bullets from a pawn shop that is sympathetic to the working man and has sold his products at cost for 40 years and made such a great living he retired and handed this non money making buisness to the next generation of his family.

I am no pawn shop expert but I am pretty sure the powder and bullets you bought were sold to your non profit pawn shop by:
A. Tweeker
B. Someone down on their luck
C. Thief
D. Some dead guys family trying to unload a lifetime of belongs

The non profit pawn shop paid one of these individuals .10 on the dollar. Meaning the non profit pawn shop probably in the neighborhood of 90% profit. Also why does it say we loan money on the sign on there store? It must be at 0% interest.

This thread is sad and extremely entertaining all in one.
Am I following this thread correctly?

The OP starts the thread by accusing random and unnamed companies of extortion, bending us over, and greed.

Then there is a volley of several hundred posts from people who understand simple economics and those who don't.

The OP then complains that nobody is posting solutions even though they had.

He is then given several ideas on how to lower prices.

The OP then proceeds to tell us there is only enough oil to last 10,000 years and makes a prophecy that we will no longer be able to breathe if we don't cover the US in windmills and solar panels and receive deliver from a trucking company with a Toyota Prius fleet which will get you your product in however long it takes from point A to point B. Don't forget to add time to that delivery date for charging time in case the wind isn't blowing or the sun isn't shining. We will also need to take into account payload capacity of the Prius compared to the tractor trailer. I have to assume it will create alot of traffic since it will take several hundred Toyota Prius to make up for one tractor trailer.

Feenix then posts a very funny and fitting excerpt from Revenge of the nerds which by the way I am still laughing at.

In steps Reelamin with unequivocal proof we are being gouged by these companies with the purchase of some cheap powder and bullets. After a follow up question he reveals he bought the powder and bullets from a pawn shop that is sympathetic to the working man and has sold his products at cost for 40 years and made such a great living he retired and handed this non money making buisness to the next generation of his family.

I am no pawn shop expert but I am pretty sure the powder and bullets you bought were sold to your non profit pawn shop by:
A. Tweeker
B. Someone down on their luck
C. Thief
D. Some dead guys family trying to unload a lifetime of belongs

The non profit pawn shop paid one of these individuals .10 on the dollar. Meaning the non profit pawn shop probably in the neighborhood of 90% profit. Also why does it say we loan money on the sign on there store? It must be at 0% interest.

This thread is sad and extremely entertaining all in one.
It's just that easy to follow. I'm just waiting for Stephen King to chime in.