fifty drivers comments about body angle with relation to the target are right on. position shooting requires the body be in the proper position/angle regardless of the position being used wether it be prone sitting or offhand.
there should be no muscle power exerted to have the gun alligned with the target. also consider that competetors use slings as an aid also.
shooting from a bipod is a somewhat different situation but still dosent
preclude good position.
muzzel jump with a bipod is a condition more controlable when using a normal prone position with a sling.
but there is also no doubt a bipod is a plus for less experienced shooters
and also a plus for hunting due to terrain conditions.
i personaly prefer a rabbit ear rear bag for a rear support when using a bipod.
i use my non trigger hand to fine tune the sight picture as i shoot by squeezing the bag. but then i always use a bench of some type even for hunting.
i wouldnt consider using any heavy recoil gun without a muzzel brake.
not only does it reduce recoil but even more important it reduces movement
following the shot. that allows for several things including seeing the hit
as well as not having to find the target again in the scope.
those few seconds could be very important in a hunting situation where a
follow up shot is required. 1 or 2 steps could put the animal behind some trees
where he is no longer visable to you during that period.
of coarse a spotter is very helpfull/ necessary in those situations.
we do make good use of bipods at our camp up to certain distances with
certain guns. but again, always from a bench.
on the longer shots where the heavy stuff is used we use yet another bench
with a return to battery ball bearing rest. those are usually locations in fairly close proximity to a vehicle.
call that whatever you like as you cant insult me. there aint no deer can run fast enough which ever way he wants to make us lose him. and when he stops were ready to shoot right now.
provided of coarse you dont need to screw around resetting your video or play with your program first.
send lead and let the spotter sort it out.