SARAH PALIN - My kind of gal!

I am very concerned. Our Second Amendment faces attack from a socialist president, a socialist congress and future liberal Supreme Court appointees if McCain does not win the presidency. If and when, the economic downfall brought on by higher taxes on small business owners, higher capital gains taxes and extreme government spending programs ,expensive hunting trips and gun ownership will be negatively affected. Both employers and working class citizens will have to bear the burden of BHO's Marxist wealth distribution program. Yes my friend, Obama has plans for those that have worked diligently to live The American Dream. His plans are to crush the American Dream and dilute it into a cesspool of social mediocracy. My wife and I are small business owners of a professional practice. We had plans to expand and hire two to three employees to help run our business. Those plans are on hold until we see who will be in the White House next January. If McCain is elected president in November we will go ahead and continue our plans to expand, give a few good people work and look forward to, perhaps, an African safari in the near future. An Obama presidency will cast an immense economic shadow as a result of his tax threat on those making over $250,000 per year. What does Obama mean by that? Is it gross income, net income, what? Who knows, does it matter because it is socialism at its core. We will not work doubly hard to gain a small fraction of what we rightfully earned so that Obama can give it away to someone who chose not to work as hard and sacrifice as much as we have. There it is folks. Already two to three jobs are delayed to deserving people and no jobs if Obama gets his way and steals our hard earned money. I gather other small business owners may have similar thoughts. It is a question of quality of life for my family. I will not give my money to undeserving people when that money was meant for my children's education and inheritance, not to mention my hunting trips and expensive guns. That's right, outfitters and gun manufacturers are on the hit list as well. Obama's Marxist rules will intertwine itself into every aspect of our economy stifling the incentive to create wealth. This means I have to balance our quality of life with other creative, but risky, wealth protection maneuvers. I would rather do it the old fashion way by earning my already heavily taxed income and giving someone a job. This is America not Cuba or some other Marxist country for goodness sake. Have the lazy entitled wannabes multiplied so much that now they can take over this country. Are these people entitled to our hard work? Are they entitled to our education? They and Obama believe so. I thought I would never see this coming to America. God, I hope I am wrong. I will gladly open my wallet to people who can not provide for themselves because of circumstances beyond their control. Please take my money and give it to them. I will not freely give to people who are unwilling to work hard and to a huge inefficient and wasteful government bureaucracy, no sir. Imagine the fallout: Mr. and Mrs. Lazybums will say, "Why should I pay for my education, why should I work hard and why should I take any risks when those foolish small business owner will take all the risks and work themselves to the bone to support us!". What a life!

I own a small landscaping business. I gross around $400,000, and take home around $30,000. I pour everything back into the business to pay back the dept. Does this make me rich? I am considering weather I should unload current employees next season and have only wife and children work for the company in order to lesson the tax burden.

I am very anxious about what the future holds. Last year my biggest worry was how fast to expand the business, and how many people I could hire and manage successfully.

I am being affected on a different level. I'm a self employed Massage and Rehab Therapist. I have lost all but my wealthiest clients. They are the minority.

The clients I truly want to work on are afraid they aren't going to be able to afford my services in the future. It's very unfortunate as these are the folks who need it the most, construction workers, landscapers, mountain guides,etc...
Why McCain? He was or is the runt of the leiter of possible GOP candidate's. Huckabee has his on TV show on FOX. He would of been a contender.Why wasn't he liked? Any how I'm the real thing,What thing? A Christian who knows that providence rules ! God allowed Hitler,Stalin,Clinton to rise to power.I'm fearful for our troubled countries future,our 2nd amendment rights are priceless.Our economy is in crisis because of poor belief and value systems of the masses all over our globe. Bankrupt characters of individuals,Governments the entire world. In the Bible God allowed many bad kings to rise to power as a consequence of evil practices of the population. This BO guy is a consequence ,a domino effect of immoral culture we live in. But for my self if I bow and place my faith in the God Man Christ Jesus ,his death and bodily resurrection I will be reconciled to our creator. So if a person is reconciled to God almighty ? They will not be abandoned . Life isn't about me are our priceless 2nd amendment are our civil rights . Its about God and his plan for man kind. Either get on board his eternity bus via salvation or get run over by Gods reap what we sow principles .Galations 6:7
Originally Posted by Roll-Yur-Own
Yea, he's the brick wall? You guyswould actually vote for Obama and sing his praises if he was a republican. That a fact Jack!!!

In fact you would vote for Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, or a talking poodle is they were a republican.

BAAAAA. Bunch of sheep!

Roll-Yur-Own, you're so wrong on thinking that we'd vote for anyone as long as he or she were a Republican. The day I'd vote for a black Muslim to lead this country would be a cold day in hell! I'm not a big McCain fan. I think he's leaned to far to the left way to many times, but he's WAY right of the Socialist Obama who you're apparently going to vote for, and I'm smart enough not to throw away my vote for a third party candidate.

Actually, I'm hoping McCain will get elected and shortly after have to step down for health reasons leaving Sarah Palin to lead the country. If all you Obama fans want to turn the US into another Socialist run country, why don't you just pack up and move to France or some place else where you can sit back and suck off the government tit for the rest of your lives, and leave the good ol' USA to people who prefer running their own lives instead of having the government do it for them.
I don't think god and politics mix. God is god and politics are evil no matter what side.

I need some definitions . Who and what is God to you? What are politics? How do you define evil? Its was through politics we got our 2nd Amendment? Our founding fathers were politicians. God not only is the standard for truth and justice ,but he actually is Truth. The ultimate definition of truth is what ever way God views reality. Bottom line is not all politics or politicians are evil. Some still believe truth is objective and transcends our transitory lives. Moral relativity is what is evil.
God not only is the standard for truth and justice ,but he actually is Truth. The ultimate definition of truth is what ever way God views reality.

God is your truth!

My truth of god is Jihad, The Spanish Inquisition, The Dark Ages, little boys being raped by Catholic priests and subsequent cover ups,

This country was founded on the murder of my ancestors! Divinity was a justification! It has always been the way of the world.
You can't compare our Founding fathers to the crap we've had in the office now.

Well we agree we've had and have crap in just about all Government offices. To say things stink is an understatement. Hey are founding fathers weren't Gods or saints. Some hated each other.Jefferson ran on a platform of a small federal Government,yet under him the fedearl Government swelled up like a broken arm. John Quency Adams couldn't get any thing done because they though he stole the election.He was hated by his own party. Corruption was rampant in Jackson administration.
God is your truth!

My truth of god is Jihad, The Spanish Inquisition, The Dark Ages, little boys being raped by Catholic priests and subsequent cover ups,

This country was founded on the murder of my ancestors! Divinity was a justification! It has always been the way of the world.

Who were your ancestors? The above list is of violent moral relativist. None were doing the will of God.The crusaders were never commanded by God to go rescue Jerusalem. Just cause some one caries a cross or owns a Bible doesn't make them a true contextual representative of the God of the Bible. KKK said "God told me to burn crosses upside down in other peoples front yard" Where did God say that? Hey man talk is cheap. Its one thing to talk the talk but another thing to walk the talk! Jesus said " Not by might or by sword but by my spirit" The crusaders were in violation of Jesus-es words right there.They'll be judged.
Well apparently most of us agreed to the crap we have in office now as we voted the crap in for a second term after it was beaten into our heads that it would be disaster. Just because your a republican doesn't mean you have to continue to vote for crap. I don't vote for somebody just because they are conservative or republican. I vote for what's best for everybody and I **** sure will not vote solely on the toys I hold around my belt. I can't stand either candiate but I'm gonnna be sure this time I don't vote for another complete idiot be it repub. or democrat.
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