SARAH PALIN - My kind of gal!

I wrote an argument against the delight taken by some in the Alaskan ethics committee witch hunt against Sarah Palin. I did not submit it because some are just incapable of critical thinking and there is no time to give free lessons on the subject. So, for the sake of brevity I will give just a few afterthoughts. Obama is factually and intimately associated with a domestic terrorist, Ayers; America haters such as Farrakhan, Rev. Wright, Rev. Pfleger; the fraudulent voter registration machine A.C.O.R.N.; FNM and FRE monies; Rezco, a convicted felon and so on. Gov. Palin is guilty of protecting the public from a child abuser gun toting trooper who delights in tazering ten year old boys. Palin's critics fail to place actions into context of the greater-good. Please spare me "it's the law argument". After all, our nation was founded by "traitors to the British Crown", lawbreakers who chose a path to independence and freedom. Yes, it was against British law, but their actions sure as hell benefited everyone on this blog and it was for the greater-good! These, then "traitors and lawbreakers", are our heroes and founding fathers. God Bless them for their "lawbreaking" but righteous efforts and results. What is lawful is one matter and what is right is another. Obama has done little if anything for the greater-good. Palin was protecting, albeit indirectly, the security of the citizens of Alaska. Check your values because you're blowing your horn the wrong way.
Re: SARAH PALIN - Lawbreaker


I'm an Alaskan. Even though you're convinced you're the intellectually gifted one here, I don't need your assistance to see this for what it is. You expect us to believe you - from Florida- above and beyond the Alaskan legislative panel that researched Palin's actions in order to preserve the rule of law in Alaska? You're a prime example of a die-hard Republican that will accept any means and methods, dismiss any wrongdoing, go to any lengths, to support the election of a Republican candidate, no matter how disgusting, incapable, inexperienced, and uncontrolled they might be. The majority of Americans won't blindly accept the desperate, dirty-handed, low blow campaigning measures the McCain/Palin campaign has stooped to in their final act of desperation. Which is why you better get comfty with Obama. He'll probably win your home state too, so my advice to you; see if you can't brainwash the locals in you home state before you try to brainwash Alaskans on the benefits of having a Governor that's willing run roughshod over the rule of law to serve her own personal family needs and desires. She didn't do this for anyone other than herself. You get it? Laws are set in place to protect us from politicians like Sarah. You're comfortable overlooking anything, no matter how despicable or disgusting, provided it suits your own personal political motives.

Many Alaskan's don't believe Sarah was taking care of anyone other than herself and her family. All she did was prove she can't maintain control of her emotions. Can't separate private matters from Government business. And we'd find if pretty humorous that someone from Florida would be in the better position to articulate the hidden benefits to Alaskans at large. Many of these Alaskans are Republicans, but without your blind allegiance to any breathing Republican candidate that still has a heartbeat.

What will you and your McCain campaign dream up next in the effort to scare Americans into voting Republican? What a joke - a bad one at that. If that's the best McCain can do to frighten the insecure over to his camp, he deserves to lose.
Re: SARAH PALIN - Lawbreaker


I'm an Alaskan. Even though you're convinced you're the intellectually gifted one here, I don't need your assistance to see this for what it is. You expect us to believe you - from Florida- above and beyond the Alaskan legislative panel that researched Palin's actions in order to preserve the rule of law in Alaska? You're a prime example of a die-hard Republican that will accept any means and methods, dismiss any wrongdoing, go to any lengths, to support the election of a Republican candidate, no matter how disgusting, incapable, inexperienced, and uncontrolled they might be. The majority of Americans won't blindly accept the desperate, dirty-handed, low blow campaigning measures the McCain/Palin campaign has stooped to in their final act of desperation. Which is why you better get comfty with Obama. He'll probably win your home state too, so my advice to you; see if you can't brainwash the locals in you home state before you try to brainwash Alaskans on the benefits of having a Governor that's willing run roughshod over the rule of law to serve her own personal family needs and desires. She didn't do this for anyone other than herself. You get it? Laws are set in place to protect us from politicians like Sarah. You're comfortable overlooking anything, no matter how despicable or disgusting, provided it suits your own personal political motives.

Many Alaskan's don't believe Sarah was taking care of anyone other than herself and her family. All she did was prove she can't maintain control of her emotions. Can't separate private matters from Government business. And we'd find if pretty humorous that someone from Florida would be in the better position to articulate the hidden benefits to Alaskans at large. Many of these Alaskans are Republicans, but without your blind allegiance to any breathing Republican candidate that still has a heartbeat.

What will you and your McCain campaign dream up next in the effort to scare Americans into voting Republican? What a joke - a bad one at that. If that's the best McCain can do to frighten the insecure over to his camp, he deserves to lose.

You have no idea who I am and what I am convinced of. I call it as I see it; there is no need to display your insecurities. Palin has a very high approval rating in Alaska so your argument is hearsay. I am a conservative and critical of corrupt Republicans and Democrats alike. There just happens to be more Democratic corruption affecting our economy and culture today. You have nerve depicting the McCain campaign as villainous when Obama's is full of deceit and distortions. Tell it to the wind.
poloski asks for anther 170 billion what is with the frekin dems!! I guess we will print more money!! aig must want anther party!! then they want over site what will that cost? more goverment doing noithing this country is so screwed
Re: SARAH PALIN - Lawbreaker


I'm an Alaskan. Even though you're convinced you're the intellectually gifted one here, I don't need your assistance to see this for what it is. You expect us to believe you - from Florida-

If that's the best McCain can do to frighten the insecure over to his camp, he deserves to lose.

I'm an Alaskan, and I say matador has a firmer grasp on the situation than you do. Despite the panels finding, this mountain out of a molehill called troopergate is only a pathetic distraction from far greater issues. The Palin's actions are to their credit, not discredit. You may deserve McCain to lose and an Obama win, but I do not, nor do many of our countrymen.
Re: SARAH PALIN - Lawbreaker

You have no idea who I am and what I am convinced of. I call it as I see it; there is no need to display your insecurities. Palin has a very high approval rating in Alaska so your argument is hearsay. I am a conservative and critical of corrupt Republicans and Democrats alike. There just happens to be more Democratic corruption affecting our economy and culture today. You have nerve depicting the McCain campaign as villainous when Obama's is full of deceit and distortions. Tell it to the wind.

Ya da ya da ya da. I don't really care who you are or how you call it. Speak for yourself all you want. I don't need to know those things to correct you in the folly of your ways. Don't pretend to speak for me from your conservative alter in Florida.

I understand how painful it must be for you to realize that Palin and McCain have lost and you're now stuck with those commie Dems for the next four years. Here's some consolation for you. Obama could put all his efforts into being a screwup for the next four years and still never reach the disasterous depths of the Bush Administration. The best supporter Obama has in this election is George Bush. If it hadn't have been for your hero's, McCain might have had a chance.

And when Obama is sworn in, just remember... I feel your pain.
Re: SARAH PALIN - Lawbreaker

I'm an Alaskan, and I say matador has a firmer grasp on the situation than you do. Despite the panels finding, this mountain out of a molehill called troopergate is only a pathetic distraction from far greater issues. The Palin's actions are to their credit, not discredit. You may deserve McCain to lose and an Obama win, but I do not, nor do many of our countrymen.

You didn't really think I thought the Alaska legislature's finding that your hero, Sarah Palin, ran rough-shod all over Alaska law would distract you? Loyal to the death. You and matador. You'd be buddies for sure. Let me know how that route goes for ya.

Won't matter how many Pom-Poms you flutter or how many times you say go gal go. It's all over. Like I said before. You should be thankful. You'll just be that much closer to Sarah. You and her can keep your eyes peeled towards the setting sun and let us know if there are any Mig fighters headed our way. Share some tea. Hold hands. Sing "Oh Lord, Kumbaya."
Hey Roll your own what dude. So most people in the US are Christians ? In name only. How does one become a Christian to you? Going to "A" church ? Going to McDonalds doesn't make you a hamburger. It just means your hungry. What is a Christian to you? Some one that has a Bible on their book shelf? Does owning a set of sockets and socket wrench make you a mechanic?
Re: SARAH PALIN - Lawbreaker

You didn't really think I thought the Alaska legislature's finding that your hero, Sarah Palin, ran rough-shod all over Alaska law would distract you? Loyal to the death. You and matador. You'd be buddies for sure. Let me know how that route goes for ya.

Won't matter how many Pom-Poms you flutter or how many times you say go gal go. It's all over. Like I said before. You should be thankful. You'll just be that much closer to Sarah. You and her can keep your eyes peeled towards the setting sun and let us know if there are any Mig fighters headed our way. Share some tea. Hold hands. Sing "Oh Lord, Kumbaya."

It is difficult to have an intelligent debate or argument with your hateful sarcasm. Maybe by giving a rational explanation defending your stance on issues we may decipher what is tormenting you. You are attracting mostly angry replies to your commentary. I must conclude few people are taking you seriously, sir. Perhaps you can state your thoughts about the Second Amendment and what you plan to do to defend it.
Re: SARAH PALIN - Lawbreaker

It is difficult to have an intelligent debate or argument with your hateful sarcasm. Maybe by giving a rational explanation defending your stance on issues we may decipher what is tormenting you. You are attracting mostly angry replies to your commentary. I must conclude few people are taking you seriously, sir. Perhaps you can state your thoughts about the Second Amendment and what you plan to do to defend it.

Hate. Such a strong word. Did I say hate? Or did you speak for me again? As you wrote several posts ago, "I did not submit it because some are just incapable of critical thinking and there is no time to give free lessons on the subject." First you place yourself up on your throne, and now you ask me to explain myself?

Torment. Another strong word. Did I say torment? You must have some strong feelings about your politics. They'll serve you well and keep you on your straight and narrow paths.

Angry replies? Only you. Tone it down, don't use such strong emotional words, and you'll feel less anger.

PS: If you really want to know where I'm coming from, all you'd have to do is read Posts #22, 26, 27, 30, 49, 54, 59, 67, 73, 75, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 96, and 98. It helps to read the thread before you start posting. Analogous to reading the instructions first.
Re: SARAH PALIN - Lawbreaker

Hate. Such a strong word. Did I say hate? Or did you speak for me again? As you wrote several posts ago, "I did not submit it because some are just incapable of critical thinking and there is no time to give free lessons on the subject." First you place yourself up on your throne, and now you ask me to explain myself?

Torment. Another strong word. Did I say torment? You must have some strong feelings about your politics. They'll serve you well and keep you on your straight and narrow paths.

Angry replies? Only you. Tone it down, don't use such strong emotional words, and you'll feel less anger.

PS: If you really want to know where I'm coming from, all you'd have to do is read Posts #22, 26, 27, 30, 49, 54, 59, 67, 73, 75, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 96, and 98. It helps to read the thread before you start posting. Analogous to reading the instructions first.

Very well, it is not worth the effort to argue with a "brick wall". Good luck to you, sir.
Yea, he's the brick wall? You guyswould actually vote for Obama and sing his praises if he was a republican. That a fact Jack!!!

In fact you would vote for Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, or a talking poodle is they were a republican.

BAAAAA. Bunch of sheep!
This aint about republicans or demactrates! The difference is much deeper and serous than that! I hope we dont find who are sheep,sheepdogs or wolves come November!!
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