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Reloader 26 and N570


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2017
Any body know when this powder is going to be available again. Seems everybody is on back order. Or does anybody know anybody that may be getting an order in for sale. Ive read good things on these powders.

Also. Between Rl 26 and the N570 can any body give me their thoughts on which powder they prefer. Both for accuracy, ES spread and speed. experience with loads in the 30 cal range in the 300 win or 30 Nosler case capacity pushing 180 to 215 bullets.
I've shot the H1000 and like it along with some other powders but have read a lot of good things on these 2 powders. I'm down to my last pound of H1000 and was curious on these two powders. Thanks and forgive if this has been talked about.
I like 26 in my 300 win mag pushing a 225 eldm at 2800. Es 11 or 12 I would have to look. That's with a 24" barrel. I recently bought some imr 8133 to try out because 26 is nonexistent but I came across a guy with a couple pounds he gave me. Some I am good for a short time. Hopefully
Spotted in the wild!
I think I am on everyone's notify list for RL-26. Use it in several calibers and it has become my goto powder for the 6.5-284 Norma as well. Contacted Alliant and they say it is coming from Europe soon. When it does I am buying a 8# this time.
If you can get rl26 it would be the better of the 2 for cartridges named
Used both. N570 doesn't like temps over 75-80 degrees and pressure starts to give erratic results.
I use rl26 in a lot of cartridges from 243ai to 300rum
Need 26 for my .22 Creed. I think we are ALL on the "notify me" list on all websites.
I emailed Midway to see if they would tell me the reason its a Unicorn

I THINK, Hornady, Federal, etc. is getting it all to make their factory loads
If you can get rl26 it would be the better of the 2 for cartridges named
Used both. N570 doesn't like temps over 75-80 degrees and pressure starts to give erratic results.
I use rl26 in a lot of cartridges from 243ai to 300rum

That's good information to know on temp. I have not heard about that side of N570 powder.
A while back we found a good load with my buddy's 28nosler and the 180 Bergers using n570. Then he loaded up 2 rounds one was cooled down to around 34* shot it, let the barrel cool then he shot the other which was heated to just under 100* degrees and the ES was under 10fps using a lab radar. Not much data there but from shooting n570 in winter and summer it doesn't seem to be temp sensitive but need to do some more testing to really know.
A while back we found a good load with my buddy's 28nosler and the 180 Bergers using n570. Then he loaded up 2 rounds one was cooled down to around 34* shot it, let the barrel cool then he shot the other which was heated to just under 100* degrees and the ES was under 10fps using a lab radar. Not much data there but from shooting n570 in winter and summer it doesn't seem to be temp sensitive but need to do some more testing to really know.

Tested over 500 rounds in various cartridges from 300 win,28 Nosler,300 Rum,338 edge.
Latest one on the 7 RBH (7/338 NM improved). It was very conclusive for me that N570 hit a temp level where pressures were evident. Especially if it was a load that was at the upper edge of the PSI region for a given cartridge.
75-80 degrees was the line where some loads became erratic. By "some" I mean 3-4 out of 10 would give the pressure signs. ES would go from 6-10 to 25-30 and have a cratered primer and stiff bolt lift.
So my N570 loads now have a upper temp limit I shoot them in.
Cold has no effect down to -10 i tested in. All testing was down in real ambient temps. No artificial heating or cooling of rounds involved. It took 2 years to get the cycle of temps I wanted to test it in.
I used both magneto speed and lab radar to test with.
This just one guys results though.
I hear the same thing about RL26, cant prove it by me though.

I also tested this RL26,RL33 and retumbo. H1000 a little bit but it had already proven itself to me before.
Rl26 was rock steady for me. Across all temps I used it in. The biggest inconsistency was lot to lot. A couple lots were much faster burning and had to back off the load by 1.5 grains.
If there is a cartridge that I can use Rl26 in and get 80 percent or more case fill with it I use it!
Rl33 is junk. No temp stability. Huge in consistency with lot to lot and it is dirty burning.
Retumbo. Well we all have used this at sometime. Has good temp stability up into the low 90 range. Then it goes weird. Lot to lot is crazy. Have to alter loads by 3 grains depending on the lot and burn rate. Right now it's what I'm using in my 7rbh. 88+ grains under a 184 Berger Hybrid @ 3320 is very manageable and consistent for me.
I tried RL26 with the 177 hammer hunter and got a very consistent 3407 fps with 6 es.
Once again just one guys test results
but what happened with 300 win mag at 230 and 338 edge with 275/300.
i do not shoot 7's

Tested over 500 rounds in various cartridges from 300 win,28 Nosler,300 Rum,338 edge.
Latest one on the 7 RBH (7/338 NM improved). It was very conclusive for me that N570 hit a temp level where pressures were evident. Especially if it was a load that was at the upper edge of the PSI region for a given cartridge.
75-80 degrees was the line where some loads became erratic. By "some" I mean 3-4 out of 10 would give the pressure signs. ES would go from 6-10 to 25-30 and have a cratered primer and stiff bolt lift.
So my N570 loads now have a upper temp limit I shoot them in.
Cold has no effect down to -10 i tested in. All testing was down in real ambient temps. No artificial heating or cooling of rounds involved. It took 2 years to get the cycle of temps I wanted to test it in.
I used both magneto speed and lab radar to test with.
This just one guys results though.
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